About My Library
The books entered here are ones I've had occasion to handle lately. My own library catalog is kept in a mysql DB and is incomplete at 3000 books; my estimate is that I have about 6K of them. I seem to be collecting history and philosophy lately but have a lot of literature and some math as well. I'm also buying modern undergraduate-level textbooks for things I am interested in but outside of what I do for a living. I have moved fiction to jjmiller50fiction.

I will here add a note about reading math and physics texts. Reading the text at your own pace, on your own schedule, is a very different experience than working to a course schedule with a drumbeat of deadlines. You can look for related material in other books or branch off completely. Since there is no track or schedule you have time to enjoy the thing. Doing problems is optional, but I recommend it; it helps you appreciate the material better. Also trying to apply it outside the problem sets can be enjoyable and lead in interesting further directions.
About Me
I am towards the end of a working career in engineering. I still don't know how I fit into the society I live in, but I'm getting to an age where I don't think that matters.
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