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Jul 23, 2007
Real Name
About My Library
Will update soon.......
About Me
I've been a reader and writer all my life. When I was young, my favorite book was Fifteen by Beverly Cleary - it was pubbed in the 50's.

My dream is to publish a book of creative non fiction. I will read pretty much anything - but I am NOT the type that feels bad if I don't finish a book I start. There are so many out there, if I get through half of something and realize I just.....can't....finish....I will move on to something else. This rarely happens though.

Some of my favorite books were advanced readers I got while working at Barnes and Noble. A lot of them never got released, and they never seem to be best sellers - I am not sure what this says about me as a reader.

I have sold books, edited books, and worked in publishing. This fall I start towards my Masters Degree in Library and Information Science. Book lover?? I think so.

I can't choose a favorite book now, so many have effected me. I like to read books that correspond with the season it is, or the mood I am in. I have yet to read the Harry Potter series, but I plan on getting to those - hopefully before I find out how the whole thing ends.

I've got a dog and two cats, great friends, and the love of my life....I can't really complain!


outside Boston

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