Book Events for sumofan

Events within the books in sumofan's library

1953 Ionian Earthquake

1972 presidential race

19th century



33rd Acqui Infantry Division Massacre

9/11 Attacks

Accession of James VI, King of the Scots

African-American Civil Rights Movement

Age of Sail

Anatomy Act

Anglo-Spanish War

Arno River flood

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Assassination of Medgar Evers

Battle of Borodino

Battle of Five Armies

Battle of Hogwarts

Battle of the Department of Mysteries

Battle of the Hornburg

Battle of Waterloo


Christmas Party


The Council of Elrond

DomDaniel is Defeated

Dracula Night

Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

French Revolution

Funeral Rule

The Great Exhibition

The Great Revelation

The Great Stink

The Great Wars

Greek Civil War

Han Vol Dan


Hurricane Katrina

Industrial Revolution

Influenza pandemic


Iraq War

Jacobean Era

Japanese-American Internment

Jazz Age

liberation of Buchenwald

Napoleon's invasion of Russia

Napoleonic Wars


Poodle Club of America National Specialty

Quest of Erebor

Regency Era

Richard M. Nixon resignation

Sack of Rome

Salem witch trials

September 11 Attacks

Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster


The Tri-Wizard Tournament

Union of the Crowns

Vatican II

Vietnam War

Virginia Un-Fair

Virginia Woolf's suicide

World War I

World War II

World War II, British Home Front

World War II, German Occupation of the Channel Islands

World War II, Pacific Theater

World's Columbian Exposition

Yuri Gagarin becomes first human in space. April 12, 1961