Childrens Sci-Fi (read in Ireland) 1986

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Childrens Sci-Fi (read in Ireland) 1986

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Nov 5, 2012, 5:11 am

Hi All,

(copied as suggested from

Any help would be really appreciated.

I read a sci-fi book in Ireland In 1986, aged 11, and I am trying to find out what it was called or any other info. I was in a boarding school for the year so have no contact with the person who lent it to me.

The main premise of the book was post Alien Invasion and the only thing that I remember fully was

- the aliens had a force field that worked against bullets/bazookas etc but slow moving projectiles could pass through.
- The resistance ended up using the equivalent of 'slow' nail guns.
- the resistance found this out when a building fell on an alien.
- the non-aliens were allowed free movement around the cities but worked for the aliens
- This was a book and not a comic

Info that I am not sure about but think I remember

- I don't think the planet was earth
- I believe the hero (one person, young adult, ie not father etc) was humanoid and the aliens were not. (*possibly not able to breath air, but I might be mixing this up with Tripods*)

- I think that I read more that one in the series but it did not finish.
a) I remember having to wait impatiently (so had read the one before) for the owner of the book to finish before I got to read it
b) I think the the first book was hero before he was in/joining resistance and onward he was in/leading.

** this would suggest that the owner had two of the series so possibly the third had not yet been written
** it must have been reasonably current to be able to get both
** I don't believe other boardes were reading it so it could have been a lesser known author

- I believe it was always based on the planet and not in space

*The usual type of book that I read, was the Enid Blyton (150 page) size and I don't believe I would have attempted a large paper back.

I know this is vague, it has been nearly 30 years at this stage, I have asked this question in the past but never got the right name. Dune was always suggested but it is not it.

I remember really enjoying the book and I would love to pass it on.

Any help or direction to a good database of children's sci-fi from back in the mid 80's would be great.



Edited: Nov 5, 2012, 6:32 am

I haven't a clue what the book is. What are your instincts on:
1. Do you think the author is male or female?
2. UK or USA author?
3. Did you rule out anything by young adult science fiction author Louise Lawrence (female, UK)?

Nov 5, 2012, 6:21 am

Sorry, I don't know the book, but since you asked about a sci-fi database, have you looked a the internet speculative fiction database?