BingoDOG - General thread 2

This is a continuation of the topic BingoDOG - General thread.

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BingoDOG - General thread 2

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Jun 14, 2015, 2:25 am

The main BingoDog topic was getting very long.

See also the June thread

Jun 14, 2015, 8:27 am

following the continuation . . .

Jun 14, 2015, 1:43 pm

>2 LoisB: Ditto!

Jun 30, 2015, 7:47 am

I was looking through the Bingo Wiki and was wondering if people would mind adding some information to their chosen/read books. It'd be nice to have some meta information on the books.

In the case of "translated from a language you don't speak", "subject you're unfamiliar with", "with scientists", "with a natural disaster", "centered around a major historical event", "set in a country other than your own", "where an animal is of importance", "based on a fairytale or myth", "with a mythical creature", "genre bender" and "inspired by another piece of fiction", it'd be nice to know what those languages, subjects, scientific areas, natural disasters, historical events, countries, animals, fairytales/myths, creatures, genres and other types of fiction ARE. I know some people have added that information already, and in some cases you can tell from the title, but it'd be great to have the info across the board.

Also, it'd be great if people could add which gender the protagonist belongs to in "with a protagonist of the opposite gender", and where on the LGBT+ spectrum a person falls in "with an LGBTQ main character". Just for added info.

Jun 30, 2015, 8:29 am

People have very different comfort levels when it comes to adding to Wikis, and no one should feel that their addition isn't good enough because it has less information than other entries. Put in what you are comfortable putting in.

If you are comfortable discussing this in the monthly topics, but not in the wikis, that is another place people can see the information.

Those who want this information there might even want to consider looking it up and adding it themselves.

Jun 30, 2015, 8:58 am

Who said anything about people's entries not being good enough?
I said it'd be nice and good for others if people could add extra. No one's forcing anyone and no one is saying people's entries aren't good enough.

I wouldn't have a problem with adding the info (in the cases where I know the info to be added - I haven't read the books so most of the time I have no clue what the animal or event or whatever is) but I don't want to go editing people entries just like that.

If people are worried about doing something wrong in the wiki, leaving a post on this or the monthly thread and asking if someone would want to do it for them is probably not that difficult. And if they want to try it themselves, there are a lot of helpful people here who wouldn't mind explaining what to do.

It was just a suggestion to make it easier for everyone to locate information.

Jun 30, 2015, 9:38 am

>4 PawsforThought: I think that's a good idea. I updated my entries.

I finished my bingo card, but I'm not really interested in completing it a 2nd time. Makes me wish I had a 2nd bingo card to work on for the 2nd half of the year. :-)

Jun 30, 2015, 2:46 pm

>4 PawsforThought: I'd love to see a rating. Maybe not everyone rates their books, but it would be nice to know if the book is even worth checking out (I probably wouldn't bother if it was rated only 1 or 2 stars).

Jun 30, 2015, 3:08 pm

I completely forgot about the wiki. I just went in and added all of my Bingo reads.

Jun 30, 2015, 3:18 pm

>8 LibraryCin: As I wrote on the June thread, I'd love to see that but have no clue how to add it so would need someone to explain. And I very rarely rate books on LT so couldn't promise I'd be very good at doing it on the wiki.

>9 lkernagh: Same here. Not that there's been many, but I only just remembered today.

Jul 1, 2015, 12:38 am

>10 PawsforThought: I guess we have a discussion going on the other thread. :-)

Different people use the number of stars slightly differently, but I use 3 stars as "ok", 3.5 as "good", 4 as "really good" and 5 as "loved this one" (I don't use 5 very often, personally.)

But, for me, to see that (however people use the number of stars) at least gives me an idea of what they thought of the book. 1 or 2 stars - I'd say they weren't crazy about that book! 5 stars, they probably loved it (or really really liked it, anyway). It just gives a bit of an idea when glancing through the wiki which books might be worth checking out (especially if multiple people have read a book and have both/all really liked or really disliked one).