
TalkName that Book

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Jul 19, 2015, 9:37 pm

Hey I am trying to find a book that has in it the main person is a women who used to work for the UN as a translate who comes home to look after a dying father and opens her own company across the hall from a security company who bats her a date if he can get her door open in time for a web call she expating when she can't find her keys he picks the lock someone wouldn't happen to know the name

Jul 19, 2015, 10:31 pm

into the crossfire by Lisa Marie Rice

Jul 21, 2015, 1:44 am

Yes that's the one thank you been looking for this book and author for a while had no idea it was the one who wrote midnight man

Aug 6, 2015, 11:54 pm

I'm looking for a book about a husband and wife and the husband gets diagnosed with cancer, testicular cancer. They want to have kids but he can't provide kids to her so she sleeps with her ex boyfriend after her husband sets it all up. It's really a beautiful story it's not all about sex its about how much you love someone and they would do anything for them. I read it on my tablet I think around 1or 2 years ago. I've been searching for it the past two days and I just can't seem to find the book so if anybody can help me I would greatly appreciate it.

Aug 7, 2015, 8:01 am

>4 purplekraze: Feel free to start a new topic just for your book. Your query is presently buried under >1 TJ25: and members scanning the group's topics list won't realize that your query is here.

Remember to add a descriptive subject line when you create your new topic, and just copy and paste the summary you've already written in your query. Thanks, and good luck!