Contemporary western romance modern set in the 80’s or 90’s

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Contemporary western romance modern set in the 80’s or 90’s

May 14, 9:28 pm

I’m looking for a contemporary romance cowboy/western novel I read a long time ago. Lots of drama, angst and suspense. The book is set in the 80’s or 90’s. It is about girl who is in love with a man when she is young. I vaguely remember that she leaves (maybe ?)and then returns when she grows up. There’s also a part where she dresses up in a sexy dress for a black tie event and he notices her there. He also wears cowboy boots to the event. He tries to disappoint her and he is in a relationship with another woman who is not a good person.
I kind of remember that the author may have been male or used initials for his/her name. Help me find it please