2 authors and 5 different names


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2 authors and 5 different names

May 16, 7:55 am

There are two authors Ernesto Rodríguez and Ernesto B. Rodríguez. One was active in the 1960ies and one is active now. I tried to combine all the modern "Ernesto Rodríguez" into one author.

Unfortunately the system still has some books of the old "Ernesto B. Rodríguez" assigned to the modern "Ernesto Rodríguez".

I tried to search for help, but found nothing on how to change an author. Can somebody help?

May 16, 8:17 am

>1 volumed42:

You should not, except in rare circumstances, "change an author". If there are works by Ernesto B. on the Ernesto Rodriguez page, then that page should be split and Ernesto B's works aliased to his page.

May 16, 8:29 am

If you give us a link to the author page (or fix the touchstone) and tell us a few books that belong to each author we can start the job for you.