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About the Author

Wong Kiew Kit has practiced and taught Shaolin arts for more than 30 years
Image credit: Sifu Wong Kiew Kit

Works by Wong Kiew Kit

The Complete Book of Zen (1998) 72 copies


Common Knowledge



Widely recognzed as an effective means of stress management and healing, chi kung is also an extraordinary technique for develooing a general fitness of the mind and body. In The Art of Chi Kung, fourth generation Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit explores the principles and philosophy of chi kung, explaining its beneficial efffects, and then guides you through a series of chi kung exercises which you can learn from and practice at home. It includes:

Chi kung for health and longevity.
Stress management.
Vitality for sex and youthfulness.
Training of the mind for focus and creativity.

This is a most comprehensive study of chi kung available, and iwll prove invaluable whether you are a abeginner or alraedy have some understanind of this ancient art.

Wong Kiew Kit has practiced and taught shaolin arts ofr more than 30 years and has over 2,000 students. He is the fourth generation successor of monk Jian Nan of the Shaolin Monastery and Grandmaster of the Shaolin Wahnam Kung Fu and Chi Kung Institute. He is the author of several books on oriental wisdom including:

Chi Kung for Health and Vitality
The Complete Book of Zen
The Complete Book of Shaolin
The Complete Book of Chinese Medicine
Masters Answers Series: Shaolin Arts
Sukhavati: Western Paradise


Part One History, philosophy and scope of chi kukng
Chapter 1 Exploring the wonderful world of chi kung
Some incredible stories
Uncovering secrets
The art of developing energy
The training of mind and soul
Discoveries before history
Imitating animals annd internal viewing
Opening the way for the gods
Lifting the sky for health
Chapter 2 Longevity, poerty and immortaility
What the great masters said about chi
Would you like to gambol like a deer?
The taoist quest for immortality
The real you before you were born
Chi kung in poerty and medicine
Fantastic skills and wondrous gateways
Secrets in the clouds
Carrying the moon for youthfulness
Chapter 3 From ancient wisdom to modern science
The amazing cosmos
The golden pearl of energy
The art of longevity
A song for love-making?
Chi kung as an umbrella term
The different names of chi kung
The material reality of chi
The current blossoming of chi kung
The very essence of the universe
Relaxation-the first step to intuitive wisdom
Part Two Chi kung for health and longevity
Chapter 4 'Incurable' diseases can be cured
The wonderful flow of chi
Miracles do happen
The root cause of degenerative diseases
Meridians-the pathways of energy flow
Secondary meridians-the lakes of energy
Curing the incurable with chi flow
Chapter 5 I actually live twice-through chi kuing
Prince's advice and emperor's secret
Five-animal play
Some puzzling questions on induced chi flow
The benefits of induced chi flow
Living a second life
A simple exercise that may save your life
Chapter 6 The way to a long and healthy life
Chi kung as preventive and curative medicine
Cleansing meridians and balancing yin-yang
The yin-yang contagious diseases
Clearing dirt and repairing damage
Energy flow for emotional stabilitiy
Empty your heart, fill your abdomen
Chapter 7 Chi kung for stress management and mental illness
The joy of a stress-free life
Emotional diseases are best cured by emotions
The five elemental processes
Elemental processes in emotional interplay
The contrast between Western treatment and chi kung
Chi kung treatment for mental illness
Chi kung relaxation for managing stress
Part Three Vitality for sport, sex and youthfulness
Chapter 8 Chi kung for sportsmen and champions
The role of chi kung in making champions
Learning a lesson from a child
Breathe better, think more clearly
Basic ingredients for champions
A suggested program for sportsmen
Increasing stamina and endurance
Chapter 9 Enhancing sexual performance
Sex, instinct and spirituality
An erotic path to immortality?
A saint immersed in a rainbow stream
Sexual endurance and multiple performance
Jade juices from golden poinds
Appreciating sexual experience
A small wheel to improve performance
Chapter 10 Chi kung and women's sexuality
An unmistakable case of rejuvenation
Warming the womb for fertility
Nourishing the kidneys for vitalitiy
Absorbing the moon's essence
Small is beautiful
Chapter 11 Acquiring a blooming and a shapely figure
Acquiring a childlike complexion
Massage for a blooming face
Treat the cause, not the symptom from fat to shapely
Separating water for a lovely bust
Chapter 12 For those who have aged but would like to be young
The old little boy
How chi kung promotes youthfulness
The concept of jing, chi and shen
Overcoming the causes of ageing
Our growth blukeprint and immune system
Cross-linking and free radicals
Waste accumulation and neuro-communication
Turning back the ageing clock
Energy flowing up the spine
Part Four The internal force of martial arts
The shaolin successor and uncle righteousness
A little knowledge is a dnagerous thing
Chi kung for health and martial arts
Pushing mountians with cosmos palm
Golden bell, lightness and tireless fighting
Chapter 14 Shaolin: the home of kungfu and meditation
The shaolin monastery and Bodhidharma
The classic of sinew metamorphosis
Hard and soft: external and internal
The chi kung element in kungfu
Powerful arms and solid stances
The forceful small universe
Chapter 15 Taiji: Eknergy and poetry in motion
The secret of taijiquan
The essential role of chi kung
Why are taiji movements slow and gentle?
Intrinsic chi training in taijiquan
Vibrating with internal force
The gentle small universe
Part Five The training of the wonderful mind
Chapter 16 Improving academic performance through chi kung
Why chi kung improves academic performance
Focused mind and visualization ability
Mental development in chi kung
Confucian chi kung and intellectual development
Discoveries of Confucian scientists
The art of opening intellect
Chapter 17 The chi kung way to inspiration and creativity
Our wonderful mind
Various concepts of mind in chi kung
The marvels of the subconscious mind
The universal mind
Reaching the subconscious mind in meditation
Chapter 18 Chi kung feats you will not believe
Some incredible chi kung feats
How societies treated brave pioneers
Channeling chi through a wall
Helpful guidelines for researchers
Energizing water for therapy
Seeing through your body into your organs
Dispersing clouds in the sky
Experiencing joyous tranquility
Chapter 19 Distant chi transmission
Can energy be transmitted by man over a great distance?
A public experiment on distant chi transmission
What the recipients said about the transmission
Four fundamental concepts about chi
Chi as energy and with material reality
The constituent and medium of the universe
The theory of distant chi transmission
The art of wisdom
Part Six The supreme achievement of chi kung
Chapter 20 A conceptual framework to explain miracles
Scientific study of miracles
Miracles have happened and are happening
What the masters have said about miracles
Explanation of miracles
Achieving the big universe
Chapter 21 Chi kung and spiritual fulfillment
The unity of relilgions and sicence
The wonders of mind and consciousness
Hinduism-Uniting Atman with Brahman
Yoga-Union with God
Taoism-the way of imoortality
The unity of man and the cosmos
Buddhism-the way to nirvana
Meditation-the essential path
Christianity-the kingdom of God
Islam-the return to God
The realizatin of God
Spiritual fulfillment in chi kung
Useful addresses
… (more)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
This is the ultimate guide to kung fu, from theory to practical application.

This unique book, by a celebrated Grandmaster, is a complete and comprehensive introductin to kng fu and all other aspects of ancient Shaolin wisdom. It will prove invaluable to everyone interested in martial arts, chi kung, and meditation, showing how kung fu and other shoalin arts can bring you health, vitaity, mental focus, and spiritual joy. It includes:

A comparative history of teh variouls forms of kung fu
An in-depth stud of all the important aspects of Shaolin, Kung fu, including the constructin of kung fu patterns and sets, the trainng of inernal force, traditional kund fu weapons, and strategies for victory
Practical exercises and meditation techniques

Wong Kiew Kit has practiced and taught Shaolin arts for more than 30 years and has over 2,000 students. He is the fourth generation successor of monk Jiang Nan of the Shaolin Monastery and Grandmaster of Shaolin Wahnam Kung Fu Institute. He is the author of several books on Eastern wisdom including The Art of Chi Kung, The Complete Book of Zen, The Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan, and Chi Kung for Health,and Vitality.


List of illustrations
1 What is kung fu?
Four aspects of kung fu
The visible aspect of form
the improtance of force training
Appication for combat and dailiy living
Kung fu philosophy for deeper understanding
The benefits of kung fu
Mind expansion and spiritual development
2 The historical development of Chinese martial arts
Kung fu in prehistoric and ancient times
The glorious han and tang
The Song, the Yuan and the Ming
The modern period
3 From Shaolin to Taijiquan
Kung fu and Quanshu
Shaolin kung fu
Changquan or long fists
Yan Qing, deceptive movements and the monkey style
The various styles of taijiquan
Soft and hard, internal and external
4 A comparative study of kung fu
Contrasting shaolin and Wudang kung fu
Internal palm of Bagua kung fu
Xingyi kung fu and Taoist concepts
The philosophies of wudang kung fu
Wuzuquan or kung fu of five ancestors
Tanglangquan or praying mantis kung fu
The spread of southern shaolin kung fu
Major southern shaolin styles
5 Defining aims and objectives
The importance of theoretical knowledge
The three requirements for attainment
Directin and purpose
Setting aims for kung fu trainng
Personal objectives
Course objectives
6 The foundation of shaolin kung fu
Inheritance from past masters
the significance form and formlesssness
Various shaolin hand forms
Horseriding and other stnaces
Basic shaolin patterns
7 From form to combat application
The four directions of attack
An imaginary opponents in skill training
The principles of effective combat
Specific technques against kicks
Fellng and holding techniques
8 Combat sequences and set practice
Linking patterns to form sequences
Various sequences for practice
Relieving injuries sustained in sparring
Linking sequences to form sets
Composing your own kung fu sets
9 Shaolin five animals
Understanding characteristics and essence
Some preliminary informaton
the five-animal set
The names of the five-animal patterns
10 Five-animal combination set
How to improve combat efficiency
The fascination of kung fu application
Spacing and timing in combat
Advanced technique to clinch victory
11 The internal force of shaolin kung fu
The relationship between technique and force
The art of one-finger shooting zen
Developing forceful punches
The compassionate art of qin-na
the internal force of tiger claw
12 Tactics and strategies
Techiques, taactics and strategies
The legacy of past masters
Using continuous attack effectively
A tactic to distract your opponent
Selecting strategies to suit particular situations
13 Classical kung fu weaons
Why are clasical weapons still being used?
Whips, knives and other weapons
The spear family
Light and heavy weapons
Common implements as weapons
14 Understanding and developing chi
From combat efficiency to spiritual development
The various genres of chi kung
The three elemens of chi kung
Lifting the sky
Lohan embracing Buddha
Abdominal breathing
15 Shaolin kung fu and zen
Cultivating heart, nourishing nature
Discipline and wisdom
What is ultimate reality?
Bodhidharma and taoism in zen
16 The shaolin way to enlightenment
Attaining a focused mind
Meditation to train awareness
Investigating cosmic reality?
The zen of bodhidharma and hui neng
Shaolin kung fu for spiritual development
Different attainments for different needs
Further reading (bibliography)
Useful addresses
… (more)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
it has a great history and overall coverage of the family of arts, and has an excellent presentation of the shorter 24-form simplified set. but it gives extremely little instruction on the 5 basic movements and on the longer 48-form simplified set

tho, in its favor, it has an encyclopedic collection of thumbnail-illustrations of every form in every standardized set of every recognized style of taiji. so. thats rly fantastic
sashame | May 6, 2020 |
wong kiew kit has a very peculiar publishing style. he likes to make broad overviews of a subject, including just a teeny bit of almost everything, w some surprisingly deep commentary that whets the appetite for more. but i find they also tend to b unsystematic, and dont provide the best support for further independent study

if u want to kno a lot abt a little abt everything, but dont care much abt further reading, then this book is perfect for u
sashame | Apr 27, 2020 |

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