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Parker Avrile

Author of Darke Accused

40 Works 149 Members 7 Reviews 1 Favorited


Works by Parker Avrile

Darke Accused (2018) 15 copies
Lost Diamond (2018) 13 copies
Storm Sky Blues (2021) 8 copies
Beach Night (2016) 6 copies
Unfreezing (2016) 6 copies
A Higher Flame (2018) 6 copies
A Hotter Fire (2018) 5 copies
Scripted (2018) 5 copies
Blackmail Boy (2015) 5 copies
Portrait of a Ghost (2018) 4 copies
The First Dance (2017) 4 copies
Choice of Cages (2017) 4 copies


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DNF. I'm bailing at 39% during the second kissing scene because I'm bored and annoyed. This story is very slow for no particular reason I can see, and although I'd like to learn what's up with Mark, I've stopped caring.
terriaminute | 1 other review | Dec 4, 2022 |
Unfreezing is the story of Chance Lanconi, a screenwriter and Nolan Condor, a robotics genius. This is told in third person from both Chance and Nolan’s pov.

I’m kind of torn about this story. It has an interesting plot, and the author did a good job conveying Chance’s fear, his agoraphobia. I also like Nolan and the premise of him making robots that could be manipulated by dogs and humans to perform tasks. But there was something distant about the whole thing. Usually romance stories I’ve read I’ve felt closer to the characters. This story was like observing them interact from a distance or through a veil or mist. I never felt pulled deep into the plot like I wanted, not even after Chance and Nolan formally commit to each other. I would understand if the distant feel was from Chance’s pov, but not from Nolan’s pov because Nolan didn’t have a problem. This observer feeling lingered throughout the whole book.

Chance and Nolan were interesting characters, and the addition of the JRT helped explain more about the type of work Nolan did. I didn’t care for the final sex scene between the two men. The language used to describe appendages and the sex act itself, along with the endearments was frankly, off. It was like the scene was written by a completely different person. The language was purple prose and the characters from a harlequin romance. It had me shaking my head.

The epilogue, was also totally different from the rest of the story. We were watching TV rather than from Chance or Nolan’s pov and it was from a reporter’s pov. The author also continued to use the word “Blonde” when the reporter ‘Lily’ was talking. Lily clearly gave her name, why didn’t the author use her name as ‘Lily’ or 'Reporter', rather than some abstract word like ‘blonde’ which is just based on her looks? Also, Chance addresses her as ‘honey’ which I found lacking in respect. She has a name, he knows her name, but doesn’t call her that. Which makes me wonder why the author felt it necessary to dismiss a female with generic words instead of dignifying her with her own name. It’s like someone in a restaurant snapping their fingers at a waitress going, ‘Miss! Miss!’ So, the epilogue didn’t work for me at all.

Overall, the plot was a good idea and I liked the characters. But the writing style was distant so I couldn’t fall into the story or feel for the characters as much as I wanted. The epilogue didn’t work and should’ve been written in the same style as the rest of the story, especially since the author treated the reporter Lily in a rather odd disrespectful way. I therefore give, Unfreezing, 3 Stars.

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Penumbra1 | Oct 11, 2022 |
Darke and Flare...I love their names, but what is the chance of that really happening? Given their history, particularly Darke's, you have to be willing to simply enjoy some fairly rapid fall-in-love romance mixed in with a really good murder mystery. Sometimes the mystery overtakes the romance, but that's okay. The book alternates first person points of view between Darke and Flare, which helps the reader to know what the characters are really thinking and feeling. There is also a lot of double-dealing going on. Although we get the first-person point of view, we also get little of their thoughts and feels beyond the case and each other. Angst is relatively low...these are action hero guys not given to wallowing in the mire of past events. It was not your usual love story, but it felt like it was just the right one for them. Looking forward to joining these two again.… (more)
Carol420 | Jun 13, 2022 |
I received a copy of this book via IndiGo Marketing & Design in exchange for an honest review

There was some very heavy BDSM in this book with no use of or interest in using safe words. That in itself makes this out of my wheelhouse for books I tend to enjoy. It was a bit too intense for me, and I had trouble seeing how and when the guys ended up developing feelings for each other. There was so much intensity between the guys, but almost all of it was based on sex, and there wasn't much beyond that for me to feel like they connected on a different level. I was also initially annoyed with the lack of communication between the guys that got them into a very sticky (and uncomfortable) situation, but then I had to take a step back and realize they had only really known each other for a few days. It made sense in the grand scheme of the story, as much as they made me mad.

This book was well written. The quality of the book, even if it wasn't my cup of tea, was really good. I would read about this author again, and despite my discomfort with the level of BDSM, if she made a sequel about them and showed growth in their relationship (since we really got more of an HFN), I would be interested in reading it.
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ktomp17 | 1 other review | Mar 21, 2021 |



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