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Brian G. Berry

Author of The Child Eater

27 Works 45 Members 8 Reviews

Works by Brian G. Berry


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This was an extreme short story horror romp into the unknown.

A small backstory:

The town of Darven is surrounded in mystery as an abandoned shack that is situated back in the woods and up in the mountains has been known for some gruesome murders from the past.

Some friends decide on a whim that they want to check it out and possibly stay the night there as the stories about the shack are just stories - just stories that their parents have told them to keep them out of the area and not be wandering exploring the mountain, but when they end up at the shack for the night they realize that maybe the stories were true as what they see is far beyond anything that they could ever imagine!

What are the stories about the shack? What do the friends see in the shack? No spoilers here as you will have to read the book!


This was a great short story and there was a lot of mystery leading up to the time of the friends making their way to the shack. When the friends are in the shack things start happening real quick with the story as the fast pace takes over the last half of the book which kept me flipping my kindle pages to see how it was all going to end!

There are some extreme parts in the book with detailed gore descriptions as this author knows how to describe the gore scenes with finesse! Giving this one four "shack attack" stars!
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BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
This was a cool twisted short story!

A small backstory:

Albert Walker is crazy as a loon, but he harbors a terrible secret that he can make come out without too much effort. When a psych doctor tries to get inside his head to find out why he committed the crimes that he did, Albert shows the doctor his "hidden" side which causes quite a "bloody" stir which ends up leaving bodies strewn all over the room.

Who is Albert Walker? What is his secret? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!


This was a very good splatter book that is swimming in blood and gore! I sat down to read just a little bit of the book and ended up reading more than half of the story before I realized it. First time reading this author and it won't be my last. Giving this one four "Twisted" stars!

For more thoughts on this review, please see my blog:
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BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
Wow! This was an excellent slasher story!

A small backstory:

Detective Quinton is on the hunt for an escaped serial killer (Anthony Ulrich, a/k/a The Whitehall Slayer) that broke out of the Willows Grove Institution. Anthony randomly kills different people as he makes his way through the city of Rockton, but when he lays eyes on a couple of young teenage girls he decides to follow them.

When the girls arrive at a house and the door opens revealing another girl, Anthony goes into killer mode as he wants to get inside to explore his slasher skills to the fullest. The girls are having a sleepover and are expecting some guys from school to be with them, but what they don't know is that Anthony is lurking in the shadows and will soon be making himself known! Detective Quinton will have to use all his skills to track down Anthony before he adds more corpses to his body count!

Does Detective Quinton catch Anthony? Will the girls and guys from the sleepover make it out alive? No spoilers here as you will need to read the book!


There was splatter action right away with this story as the author didn't give time to breathe or even take a breath before blood was spurting in all directions! This story is practically non-stop with graphic blood, gore, and splatter! The story is fast paced as the action escalates from chapter to chapter. This is my third book by this author and I just love his writing style as he keeps me glued to my kindle!

This book reminds me of the slasher horror movies - something close to the movie "Scream" as the movie images play out in my head as I read the story and for every slash/kill description of what the killer was doing I could feel the terror and the pain of the victims!

I cringed a couple of times with the graphic descriptions as the brutality of the kills were like watching it happen. Another great story by this author and giving this book five "Slasher Serial Killer" stars.

For more thoughts on this review, please see my blog:
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BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
Short stories of gore and horror!

There are four stories and I will list them out with a cryptic thought next to each one.

Snowmen: Snowmen that are anything but innocent.....

Mall Santa Claus: Decomposed Santa?

Adler's Farm: Spider invasion not of this world!

Santa's Village: Aliens or something else?


For an extreme ride into an unknown terror this has become one of my favorite extreme authors! I never know what to expect when I pick up one of his books, but I always know that he will be pulling me through bogs of bloody gore and I always have to be encased in my gore suit!

All four of these stories were no exception and as the characters screamed in the stories, my kindle was screaming for more of these books that are swimming in body parts that are wrapped in red holiday fear! Giving this one four Holiday Horrorfic stars!
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BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |


½ 4.4