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26+ Works 496 Members 18 Reviews


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It's a good story but I felt at times she was strong and showed real back bone and then other times she was a helpless heroine who became mute.
izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
A fun little romp. A quick, easy read.
OgreZed | 1 other review | Sep 14, 2020 |
Quick and simple read. Engaging. Sets up a good story line
Michelle_Boyea | 3 other reviews | Jun 7, 2019 |
Heather House: The Witch of Threadneedle by Carmen Caine is an exciting and intriguing Historical romance. Book 2 in this amazing and entertaining series, it can be read as a stand alone.
Well written and well crafted story of danger, intrigue, mystery and Romance. The characters are charming, engaging and realistic. The storyline was absolutely delightful with twists and turns, six adorable orphaned children and plenty of trouble for Taran Mackenzie, a highlaner known as a lone wolf until he comes face to face with a green-eyed lass, Moll Thatcher, married to an abusive Threedneedle street tailor and her six orphans, escaping from England and the black plague. She is also a Welsh Witch of the Heart.
She believes herself a widow after watching her home burn to the ground with her husband inside or was he?
Fast paced, dramatic, entertaining and compelling. A delightful romp through a castle, trouble brewing and romance. The children was absolutely brilliant. The surprises were absolutely thrilling. Highly recommended! Fans are sure to endure themselves to this mesmerizing story. I look forward to the next grand adventure with the in this exciting series.

"I voluntarily received a complimentary copy, however, these are my honest opinions. I was in no way required nor compensated to write a review."

Rating: 4.5
Heat rating: Mild
Reviewer: AprilR½
tarenn | 1 other review | Aug 29, 2018 |
Interesting storyline and plot. Good character development. Cassidy Edwards calls herself damned and is bitter over the events that lead to her birth. Lucian and Dorian are both alpha males and both want Cassidy for their own greedy reasons. Whose subterfuge will she see through and whose will bite her in the rump? I enjoyed this story and hated that i had to put it down for the night because I had to go to work the next morning. My only gripe I have is her entire vengeance reason. She never had a "normal" life, but yet she's upset by it?? Most are vengeful when they have lost something or someone - which didn't happen. If you never had something in the first place you may be jealous over what someone else has, when first seeing it, but having grown up with the paranormal Cassidy would have thought her life was normal...she never would have known any different. Her mom's estrangement & uniqueness would have been the norm to her. Looking forward to book 2.
BookJunkie777 | 3 other reviews | Oct 16, 2016 |
The vengeance angle surrounding Cassidy's birth is deplorable & unbelievable. People ars not vengeful over things they've never had. Cassidy's mother was a vampire from the moment Cassidy entered this world...she would never have known her mother any other way than a cold selfish person. The logic behind the author's vengeful reason is flawed. However, the character development and scenes are good. Cassidy doesn't understand the Charmed world and coupled with her knee jerk reactions will eventually lead her to her own demise.
BookJunkie777 | 1 other review | Oct 16, 2016 |
Cassidy finds herself in a fast paced track of vengeance but not knowing the players causes more harm than good in her quest. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about the main characters. Cassidy and Lucian aren't likable characters. This particular story provided more of Cassidy's background regarding her origins but also left a lot of new questions unanswered. Decent character, storyline, & plot development
BookJunkie777 | Oct 16, 2016 |
Kindle Unlimited

Previously read in November 2014
Raeadav | 3 other reviews | Mar 25, 2016 |
Raeadav | 1 other review | Mar 25, 2016 |
This is book 3 in the collection.

It took almost the entire first book to really get to moving and being interesting enough to keep reading.

One thing I would suggest to the author, is placing the prequel first as it answers some of the questions we do not have answered in the first book.

Once The Glass Wall got to moving, it kept a rapid pace going. I had trouble putting it down, it became so interesting. I definitely recommend this, and it can be easily read by those who are not young adults. I am almost 50, and truly enjoyed this collection. Buy this, you will not be sorry.

I received an ARC to give an honest review.
Sirsangel | Jan 17, 2015 |
This is the prequel to the Glass Wall collection. Definitely read first to help understand what is going to be happening through the collection.

It took almost the entire first book to really get to moving and being interesting enough to keep reading.

One thing I would suggest to the author, is placing the prequel first as it answers some of the questions we do not have answered in the first book.

Once The Glass Wall got to moving, it kept a rapid pace going. I had trouble putting it down, it became so interesting. I definitely recommend this, and it can be easily read by those who are not young adults. I am almost 50, and truly enjoyed this collection. Buy this, you will not be sorry.

I received an ARC to give an honest review.
Sirsangel | Jan 17, 2015 |
This book 4 in the collection.

It took almost the entire first book to really get to moving and being interesting enough to keep reading.

One thing I would suggest to the author, is placing the prequel first as it answers some of the questions we do not have answered in the first book.

Once The Glass Wall got to moving, it kept a rapid pace going. I had trouble putting it down, it became so interesting. I definitely recommend this, and it can be easily read by those who are not young adults. I am almost 50, and truly enjoyed this collection. Buy this, you will not be sorry.

I received an ARC to give an honest review.
Sirsangel | Jan 17, 2015 |
This is book 2 in the collection.

It took almost the entire first book to really get to moving and being interesting enough to keep reading.

One thing I would suggest to the author, is placing the prequel first as it answers some of the questions we do not have answered in the first book.

Once The Glass Wall got to moving, it kept a rapid pace going. I had trouble putting it down, it became so interesting. I definitely recommend this, and it can be easily read by those who are not young adults. I am almost 50, and truly enjoyed this collection. Buy this, you will not be sorry.

I received an ARC to give an honest review.
Sirsangel | Jan 17, 2015 |
This is the first in a series of books, apparently collaborated on with Ms. Adler and Carmen Caine.

While I recommend the rest of the collection highly, this book just did nothing for me. I came close to making it a DNF, but am glad I persisted in reading. The Glass Wall collection by Carmen Caine is worth it. Wish this one had been as good.
Sirsangel | 2 other reviews | Jan 17, 2015 |
This young adult fantasy really caught my attention. I downloaded the book as a freebie - it was brought to my attention by - but will be purchasing the rest of the series from Amazon to find out what else happens to this imaginative and likable group of characters.
MsKelly65 | 2 other reviews | Apr 7, 2014 |
This book surprised the heck out of me after reading a long string of truly dire free books. I'm pretty sure it is self-published as it has a lot of the common problems that would be solved by a competent editor... but despite those things, I really enjoyed reading it. And at the end of the day, my enjoyment is how I value a book.

I liked the main character - she seemed real enough and reacted to what was going on around her with spunk and motivation. I loved that she had a non-traditional family situation - she was bouncing from foster home to foster home with a mother in and out of rehab and had all the associated confusion. This was handled well - this wasn't just a bolt-on flaw, it was real and Sydney had some issues as a result.

The foster family in the story could have gone so far wrong - they were all very quirky and could have seemed so fake, but I ended up really liking them. I was interested in what happened to all of the characters in this book, and they all seemed real and differentiated.

The plot can be a bit confusing and the full reveal doesn't happen - there is a definite cliffhanger - but by the end I didn't mind because I was invested and willing to seek out the next book.

I have already bought the prequel short novella and am waiting for the next, which I will purchase.

Format: Kindle
Price Paid: Free
Recommended: Yes
Value: up to $4
Will I Buy the Next: Yes
bloodofareptile | 2 other reviews | Apr 5, 2013 |
AUTHOR: If you are a true Scottish Highlander romance reader at heart, this is a book for you. Carmen Caine writes the Bedeviled Heart with an excellent balance PERIL, ACTION & ADVENTURE situations and of course L'AMOUR.

GENRE: Historical romance

SETTING: 15th century Scotland, time of King James

CENTRAL FEMALE CHARACTERS: Kate is a smooth talker and can guide your attention in any direction that she chooses. She does not always tell the truth but will do whatever is “reasonably” necessary for the survival of her father and herself.
CENTRAL MALE CHARACTER: Cameron believes he has been cursed. He is a good hearted down to earth man who prefers to avoid the pompous and arrogant ways of people at the King’s court. But when Cameron loves someone, Cameron loves someone.

SYNOPSIS: From the very beginning she lies and has no idea who she is talking to. He catches her in a few lies but oh for a kiss. She takes her hard earned money to provide a better place to move her father. He stumbles upon her again and helps her relocate her father. The woman who she rents the small room has suggested a serving job at the palace.

SEXUAL EXPLICITNESS: Measured from Inspirational romance (not explicit) to Erotica (hot, steamy and sizzling).
Romantically and passionately “tasteful”. (Quote) “Her breath quickened and his own matched it as the kiss deepened, and he plundered her lips with a raw, urgent hunger, and then crushing her against him, he lifted her in his strong arms and carried her…… (Tasteful)

WHAT I LIKED: Her smooth talking ways (so funny). He just keeps on giving and giving and giving. What a man !!! From one job to the next she goes as he tries to avoid telling her his secret.

WHAT I DID NOT LIKE: Absolutely nothing!!!

I give this book (5) stars because I am a true fan of Scottish Highland romance books. There is absolutely nothing that I did not like about this book.
Chandra-of-Red | Nov 7, 2012 |
Showing 18 of 18