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25+ Works 79 Members 13 Reviews


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So far I've read 12 of the stories.

What strikes me is that despite being set at Christmas very few feel like Christmas stories.
Lillian_Francis | 1 other review | Jul 26, 2021 |
Enough of my favourite authors are included to take a chance on buying the whole lot.
Especially with a 30% off voucher :)
Lillian_Francis | 2 other reviews | Jul 26, 2021 |
So far I've read 12 of the stories.

What strikes me is that despite being set at Christmas very few feel like Christmas stories.
Lillian_Francis | 1 other review | Feb 24, 2021 |
Enough of my favourite authors are included to take a chance on buying the whole lot.
Especially with a 30% off voucher :)
Lillian_Francis | 2 other reviews | Feb 24, 2021 |
As becomes obvious when reading the blurb, this is not a “fluffy” romance. This is a story about two men with very real issues, caused by traumatic events that impacted their lives in tangible and almost crippling ways. “Almost” being the key word here – each man on his own may have learned how to deal with life, but they are missing any real connection to their fellow human beings. Once they meet they still have a major struggle ahead, but the message of hope is clear. In the end, this story is yet another case of it being “never too late” for love, even in the toughest of circumstances. What a great message of hope!

Robin is a Vietnam vet and has spent the last thirty years hiding from the world. His only major contact is via chat rooms and he has become an avid watcher of internet porn. Leaving his cabin is almost unthinkable, and he almost never has to. When he needs help with his modem (yes, the story is set in 2001 – pre-wireless Internet), and has to interact with the repairman, he keeps comparing their exchanges with an internet chat; he mentally adds emoticons and chat comments constantly. It was a great way to remind me how far removed from reality is.

Hendrix has his own issues, being the survivor of a school shooting massacre. He can’t abide closed spaces, is no longer a teacher, and any sort of loud noise makes him dive for cover. Nevertheless, he and Robin get closer during the thunderstorm they are both hiding from. But with Robin’s fear of intimacy, it seems as if they can’t go anywhere. Not without both of them willing to make some changes to their lives.

If you like stories that explore the consequences of violence and war, if two men with very different issues coming together sounds like an interesting combination of characters, and if you’re looking for a read that starts out dark but ends on a note of hope, then you will probably like this novella.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | 1 other review | Oct 14, 2017 |
This novella packs a lot of story and some interesting and touching details into its short length. The story of Seth, a short man with a limp and a big heart, and Sandy, a man who is trying to run from the past, is funny but hides a message of acceptance and love that is very much in line with the "Christmas spirit". While the Australianisms seemed a bit over the top to me, the whole story is like that in places, just a little over the top, so I guess it is part of the author's style. I liked the explanation for Sandy's behavior, and even though I thought he overreacted when Seth overstepped, in the end he manages to get his head out of his behind and become a more well-adjusted man.

If you like Christmas stories with emotional drama told in a humorous voice, and if you're looking for an entertaining read that might make you smile, you will probably like this novella.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review.
SerenaYates | 1 other review | Oct 14, 2017 |
What to do when the stars of Nutcracker on Ice receive death threats? This story answers the question by having an NYPD captain send two of his officers right into the middle of things. ‘Cops on Ice’ would be a good alternative title for this book, except that much of the action, chaos, and confusing accusations back and forth take place off the ice. The longer the case goes unsolved, the more suspects appear, and the comedy of errors and mistaken assumptions proves to be very entertaining as the plot thickens.

Rocco is a conflicted man. He is a cop, but he is shot and carries a few extra pounds with the result that his self-esteem could be better. He is also deeply in the closet, which doesn’t stop him from secretly admiring his openly gay colleague and work partner, Ridley. And secretly is the key word here – for the longest time, Rocco doesn’t even admit to himself that he has feelings for the fiery younger cop.

Rocco and Ridley both operate under the assumption that everyone is a suspect, which is a good starting point for any investigation. The fact that they are undercover, and only the federal agent leading the case knows who they are, makes their job very difficult. So does the male lead skater, who sets his sights on Ridley to the point that Rocco has to admit he feels jealous. Rocco himself is in charge of guarding the female lead, much to his chagrin. Solving the case under these circumstances is not easy, and as is usual for me, I missed all the clues and would have never guessed who was behind it all. But the story is still entertaining, so I had a good time reading it.

If you like Christmastime mysteries written with a sense of humor, if two cops who clearly like each other but are afraid to admit it for various reasons sound interesting, and if you’re looking for an entertaining mystery involving figure skaters and other celebrities, then you might like this novella.

NOTE: This book was provided by JMS Books for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
This is another excellent collection of winter holiday stories from Dreamspinner Press - they range from historical to contemporary to science fiction and even fantasy/paranormal, and while the majority focuses on Christmas, there are a few with other holidays sprinkled in for good measure.

I particularly enjoyed:
- All I Want for Christmas... Is No Christmas by Colton Aalto
- Bite Night by Clare London
- How the Supervillain Stole Christmas by Charles Payseur
- Krampus Hates Christmas by Andi Van
- Mele Kalikimaka by B.G. Thomas
- The Orpheum Miracle by Pat Henshaw
- Popcorn Garlands by Ariel Tachna
- Teddy Bears by Brandon Witt

But I liked all of them and am already looking forward to the 2017 event!

NOTE: These books were provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review.
SerenaYates | 2 other reviews | Oct 14, 2017 |
“Dueling radio hosts” who fight over Christmas sounded like a lot of fun when I read the blurb for this story. Deke is determined to hate the holidays and everything about them, whereas Dudley loves the whole season so much he has all his favorite activities planned out from the day after Thanksgiving. And with their acerbic wit, the fight was sure to be epic.

Dudley embraces Christmas and every single possible related activity with a heart full of joy. Be it the lights on his house and in his garden, the thousands of cookies he bakes, the gift baskets he distributes, or the Christmas cards he sends. But best of all, he doesn’t forget those who have less than he does. He integrates collections for food banks in his activities, plans gifts for those in need, and he lovingly takes care of his aging grandfather. He even has a different pair of Christmas socks for each day in December. Dudley enters the “contest” to find out whether there are more Christmas lovers or haters full of optimism.

Deke is a Christmas hater. But he turns out to be a complete a**hle in the way he ruins everything for Dudley. I mean, it’s okay not to like the season, don’t get me wrong, but what he does is cruel. For someone who professes to admire Dudley, Deke is not behaving in any way respectful or even considerate. Yes, he comes through in the end, but… It left a bitter taste in my mouth.

While the setup sounds quite funny, and there are a few humorous moments, what bugged me was the tone of the story, how truly awful and mean Deke was, and the deep sadness Dudley (who had once been so full of joy) ended up feeling. Not Christmassy at all! Maybe that was the author’s intent? I don’t know, but it did not make me feel all warm and fuzzy. At least Dudley and Deke manage to work out their differences and there is a glimmer of hope for a real relationship at the end, but for me, it was almost too little too late.

If you like men with opposite opinions battling it out, if you don’t mind the “gloves coming off” in what they do, and if you’re looking for a humorous story with more than one sad moment and a last-second turn toward a happy ending, then you might like this novella.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
Seth Anderson, a twenty-eight-year-old Sydney man, confides the details of his gay sex life to his two best friends. That’s often nice in romance. The friends can become a kind of chorus of common sense, bringing the main character down to earth from time to time. But in David Connor’s novella, Tidings of Comfort and Joey Down Under, Seth’s confidants are his mom and dad.

Rocco and Mols (for Molly), Seth’s parents, have entered him in a contest without letting him know what they’re doing. The winner will be the model who represents the fragrance, Hot Jack, for King’s, the second largest department store in Sydney. Seth becomes one of a hundred semifinal-round contestants. When he meets the other would-be Jacks, they’re all much taller and more muscular than he is. Seth also walks with a limp as a result of a serious disease he suffered when he was nineteen, leaving him with partial paralysis on his left side.

Sandy King, recently returned to Australia after spending half his life in the US, becomes the “big boss” of his family’s department store, due to the tragic deaths of his parents. When Sandy meets Seth, he’s blunt: “The moment I saw your photo, I wanted you bad. Not just for the ad campaign, but in my bed.” Although Seth finds Sandy attractive, he refuses to be taken advantage of so brazenly. Seth’s mom and dad, though, think Seth could be onto something good.

Seth changes his mind and soon learns Sandy is hiding some major secrets of his own that could well jeopardize any relationship they might otherwise want. The story of Seth and Sandy, with Rocco and Mols and a few other characters thrown in for good measure, greatly amused this reader.
RonFritsch | 1 other review | Dec 25, 2014 |
DNF - maybe continue another time...
Tam2603 | Apr 18, 2013 |
20% read and I am so finished. This reads like badly written amateur porn. There are too many characters (I got whiplash trying to keep up with what was happening and wanted to put this down at just 2% in), the writing is clunky and juvenile, and the MC is a bit of an asshole. I can usually push through a bad beginning but I have a feeling this is only going to get worse.
jules0623 | Mar 30, 2013 |
CressK | 1 other review | Feb 28, 2018 |
Showing 13 of 13