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Jack Davenport (2)

Author of Minus

For other authors named Jack Davenport, see the disambiguation page.

6 Works 64 Members 2 Reviews


Works by Jack Davenport

Minus (2018) 23 copies
Clutch (2018) 13 copies
Sweet Pea (2020) 11 copies
Ropes (2020) 10 copies
Duke (2019) 6 copies
Wicked & Sexy Nights: Anthology (2018) — Contributor — 1 copy


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Davenport, Jack



Okay so this is my first book by this author and I loved it.


Nikolai "Clutch" Christakos and Dr. Gina "Eldie" Gardner are funny. He's Sargent-at-Arms for the Burning Saints MC. She runs the neighborhood clinic and is the unofficial doc for the MC. (Hence the Eldie nickname....a take off of LD which stands for Lady Doctor).

Changes going on with the club have Clutch feeling a little lost and unsure of his future. Minus, the new club president and his best friend, is leading the club into a legitimate lifestyle and away from the 1% kind of things they usually do. He feels like everyone knows what's going on but him...and as SAA shouldn't he know what's going on?

Eldie is freshly divorced. In fact the book starts on the day her divorce has become final. She too has questions about her future, what she wants and what she needs.

Funny moment #1
Eldie is a rock star when she's behind the wheel of her Jeep. Can you imagine doing your drum solo (Phil Colins' In the Air Tonight...great song BTW), stopping to stuff a couple of Yum Yum's (what are Yum Yums?) in your mouth then looking over to see a hot biker smiling at your antics. And that's how we get to see these two together for the first time!

Come on admit've done it and gotten caught. That's what made this book so enjoyable for me. The characters felt and sounded real. Sure she's an educated professional but that doesn't mean if she gets mad she's not going to throw around a few choice words. Or that when she's busy doing her carpool karaoke she doesn't get into it.

Funny moment number 2.
They meet at a place called the Pink Priest. I can't even begin to describe this for you, you'll have to read it for yourself. I will give you a hint....the MaƮtre'd is wearing a purple paisley robe, white feather boa, heels and is named Friar Chuck! Seriously, how does one keep your composure when faced with that. We won't even get into the decor or Jimmy Swagger. Like I said, somethings you have to read for yourself.

We find out their secrets, their fears, and their fantasies. The fact that some of it is sad but not done over dramatically is refreshing. Sure you might tear up but you don't roll your eyes because the drama is so over the top. There are enough twists and turns Although I kind of suspected we'd get a pregnancy. to keep you reading. And yes, there is personal growth by both of them. You can't fall in love without some can you?

At first I was a little disturbed about the ending. I suspected it but didn't think it would really happen. To prove to Eldie that he is serious about being in love with her and wanting to be a family with her and their baby he tells his brothers he wants to "patch out" of the club. In order to do that he has to have any and all club tats branded off his body. I really thought she would get there before it happened. I love the way she ripped into all of them though. No fear yelling at a bunch of biker's just the love for one driving her.

The epilogue was all that I could have hoped for.

… (more)
ChachaJ | Feb 1, 2021 |
Received an ARC at no cost to author..Wow, what a beginning to a new series. It was an explosive second chance story. Minus was exiled to leave the club, and he left the woman he loved Cricket behind without a word. Cricket was heartbroken so she also left that life behind. Both Minus and Cricket have been summoned and the feeling are stronger than ever, but there are misunderstandings that need to be cleared up, hurt feelings, and drama my friends, but really how can a book on Mc's not have any and be good? It won't be so yes we needed the drama..Grab a copy my friends. Enjoy!… (more)
NelisPelusa | Feb 7, 2018 |

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