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Works by Liz Eeles


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When I picked up Anne's Holiday by the Sea it was purely because the story is about a London girl going to Cornwall to meet long-lost relatives aka everything I used to dream about! But little did I know at the time that I would become absolutely addicted to this book and in turn the series, where it got to the point that I stalked the authors Instagram until I saw other releases! But before we continue into my shameful weirdness (100% not ashamed though) and let me explain the story

Annie Trebarwith has grown up alone since her mother died, now 29, and living in a flat share with (in my opinion) and obnoxious flatmate, just discovers that her scumbag (My creative license there) of a boyfriend is having it off (and out comes my Essex girl) with Melinda from Stuart's office! But then (cause she truly hasn't gone through enough), she gets a letter from a solicitor (Attorney for all you American's out there) and her life is completely flipped upside down! It turns out Anne has a Maternal Great-Aunt, who wants her to travel to Trebarwith House in Salt Bay, Cornwall as soon as possible! And with that Anne's life is changed forever.

This book is bloody brilliant! And I loved every up and down! Heck, I even liked Toby (the dirty buggar)! And why this ex-pat sits in America dreaming of the UK, like magic Annie's Holiday by the Sea takes her there, with all its weird characters that could only truly be in a Cornish village.

The writing in this book is truly beautiful! It is so descriptive that I could almost smell the sea and taste the chocolate, and the people of Salt Bay could almost be like my friends, and that is truly what made this book for me, the sheer talent of the author and her ability to bring such a beautiful story to life.

The is only one score I could ever give Annie's Holiday by the Sea, and that is 5 (million) stars!
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Cara_Ross | 1 other review | Dec 2, 2018 |
We are back in Salt Bay folks! Which honestly just feels like home to me at this point and I absolutely love being back. But while Annie was all set to enjoy her Christmas with Alice, her yummy boyfriend Josh and the Salt Bay Choir, Annie gets a surprise "gift" instead, when her biological father Barry turns up with her teenage half-sister Storm, and I don't think any of them knew what to expect, certainly not what they are faced with.

Annie's Christmas by the Sea is a fantastic book two in the Salt Bay series (I hope), it has all the normal characters, plus crazy aging rocker Barry, who is nothing like her mother said he was. I have to admit I do love Alice's excepting nature in, it truly endears that women to me even more.

When it comes to Josh and Annie, they have their up and downs, but by the end of the book I was concerned that they might not last, as there are definitely stains over the family drama and the lack of being together, but I'm holding strong that they're a forever couple.

Annie's Christmas by the Sea is yet another stunning book by Liz Eeles, her writing is fantastic and truly sucks you into the story and that is why I give it 5 stars
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Cara_Ross | Dec 2, 2018 |
When I bought Annie's Summer by the Sea I was equally thrilled and saddened at the same time! I was super excited to be back with Annie and the gang, I had so many questions! Were Annie and Josh still together, what was happening with Kayla and Ollie? to see what Barry had gotten up too?, or is Storm had got into anymore more trouble, but what I wasn't expecting was the story I received, don't get me wrong, all those questions were answered, but there was also so much sadness, more family drama, which unfortunately lead to something I most feared! But what will happen in the end?!

Yet again Author Liz Eeles has truly made a story that I could go on and on about forever, but it I would totally give away the story, what I will say is, by the end of the book, I was so full of love and happiness! The Salt Bay series is definitely going to be one of my all-time favorite series, and I can’t help but harp on about how amazing the authors writing is, at times I honestly cannot put it into word, I do love the simplicity and the uniqueness of all 3 book, and it brings a refreshing change into the contemporary romance world.

With that being said, I give Annie's Summer by the Sea 5 stars
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Cara_Ross | Dec 2, 2018 |
I went into this half-expecting a sort of knock-off of [book:The Chilbury Ladies' Choir], set in the present. I had a moment's hesitation on seeing use of the present tense. I hesitated – for a minute. And within a couple of pages all doubts and expectations fizzed away, and I was just enjoying the thing wholeheartedly.

Yes, sure, there are echoes of other books. It's about a young woman who goes reluctantly to see an elderly relative out of duty, grumps about it for some time, makes a bad first impression in a few different directions, and slowly has her shell cracked wide open by the place and its people and the music they all make. It's all been done before in one combination or another.

Doesn't matter.

It does not matter how many other people might or might not have used an idea before you if you can use it to the utmost – can milk it for all the humor and genuine feeling that can be squeezed out of it. There are reasons some basic plotlines are used a lot – it's because they can be good foundations for great stories. If you can weave it through with vivid and real dialogue, vivid and real characters, a vivid and real setting – it almost doesn't matter at all what the basic plot is. And Liz Eeles has infused this book with dialogue, characters, and setting that embody all the synonyms Word gives me for "vivid": bright, vibrant, colorful, brilliant …

Oh, here's a good example: "
Kayla beams with delight and gives Roger a huge hug. ‘Aw, you’re not so bad for a grumpy bastard Pom.’ ‘Gerroff,’ growls Roger, going pink but looking pleased. ‘You’re daft as a brush.’

It's funny; it's heart-breaking. The characters will stay with me for a long time (especially since I absolutely expect to reread these books). What can I say? I loved this.

The usual disclaimer: I received this book via Netgalley for review.
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Stewartry | 1 other review | Mar 18, 2018 |


½ 3.7

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