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49+ Works 833 Members 57 Reviews


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I enjoyed this book. The main character was interesting and her interactions with the other major characters were logical. I like the fact that this book has a variety of paranormal characters other than just vampires and werewolves, although those are here too. Overall, this is a good start to a series and I'd be interested to see how the series progresses.
Woodardja | 1 other review | Jan 30, 2024 |
I find it easy to let myself go when it comes to the paranormal world. I love to get lost in a make believe world of the supernatural, so I did enjoy reading about Gabby and Clay in Hopeless by Melissa Haag. I have to be in the mood for clean, young adult reading, and I read Hopeless at the perfect time. The characters came alive on the pages, and it was fun watching Gabby figure things out, find those who she can relate to, and find a home, a place to belong.

Seeing this is the first book in a series that looks like it will spotlight an individual character in each book, and it is clean, targeted at the younger crowd, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. For those looking for steamy romance, this may not be for you. BUT, if you are like me, allowing the author to take me where they want me to go, you may want to give it a try.

See more at
sherry69 | 10 other reviews | Oct 5, 2023 |
I'm sorry this book just wasn't for me. I just did not get into it like some people did. I found it to be kind of ridiculous. I couldn't even get past the second chapter.
JKJ94 | 11 other reviews | Jul 27, 2023 |
Drivel! Absolute drivel!

"I'd only made it this far because of dumb luck, because of my boobs."

An earthquake causes a zombie apocalypse and also opens up an underground world filled with chisel chested, well-endowed grey men. One of these grey men saves our main character, learns English by listening to steamy audiobooks, and spends the entire book groping her as they make their way through a zombie infested land.

The End.

Book 4 in my Zombie-a-thon!

CW: Coarse language used to describe body parts
Mrs_Tapsell_Bookzone | 1 other review | Feb 14, 2023 |
Another great addition to this post apocalyptic series.
Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
Not my favorite of the series. The heroine was a bit too wimpy for me.
Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
Really didn’t like the heroine. Didn’t like the hero. Didn’t like the story line. Why are all the latest heroine’s in this series 17 years old?
Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
Enjoyed this entry into the series. The author apologized for making this RH but I didn’t have a problem with it. It actually seems like a natural outcome considering the attitudes of the demon guys towards women and the fact that there aren’t many women left around. Seems like she is getting ready to wrap up the series with the next book. There’s a lot going on with the devil dogs so we’ll see.
Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
One of the better meatier books in the series. I was seriously hoping that Adam wouldn’t end up as he did. It was a tough one. Good writing.
Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
Benella lives with her father Bernard and her two sisters Bryn and Blye in a small village.Her father is the local schoolmaster wich pays just barely to keep them from starving even with the money Blye brings home as an assistant for the village seamstress.
To supplement this Benella forages near the grounds of an abandoned estate that is kept under a spell and guarded by a fearsome beast wich is best avoided.But making ends meet is not her only problem as Benella also has to deal with avoiding the two sons of the blacksmith that constantly harass her and the ever more increasing lecherous intentions of the baker.
One day she overhears her sisters talking and realizes that her sisters has been hoarding money and resources from their father and herself forcing them to live in near poverty.
By the actions of her sisters and the sons of the blacksmith she is thrown into the presence of the beast more than one time and the beast demands she repay him.
Well...I had been willing to overlook some of the books flaws and give it at least an two star rating but that went out the door the more I read and the more I started to cringe.
For one thing its jarring when the suddenly formal dialogue is broken with more modern language but much more than all of that is all the sexual situations that I didnt expect nor particulary care for and I dont It was of the kind that made me feel increasingly uncomfortable.
Its pretty much erotica.
On at least three ocassions does the main characters stumble across couples having coitus and one really weird scene with the beast and a woodnymph (I swear I dont search out books with quasi-bestiality,its almost like they find me.)or what about when two prostitutes show Benella how to give a guy a handjob. :0
“If a man’s energies are pent and not released, he will become volatile, unpredictable. Tension will creep into his body and often stay there even after the energies are eventually released. If you touch a man, no matter how innocent the touch, watch for the signs,” Aryana warned. “
Be sure your touch is only releasing tension and not building pent energies.” Fascinated, I nodded my understanding. It did sound a bit like the beast. Even after his encounter with the wood nymph and he’d released his energies, he had still kept his tension. The sisters were right about the dangers. I would never attempt anything like what I’d just learned on the beast. I feared his response.
Did I mention this book is labeled as YA? Am I being a prude or is this acceptable for YA?
I also kept wondering why the baker appeared to be such a powerful in the village and why the smiths wife was desperate enough to pay him in natura.I have always thought blacksmiths were in high demand and therefore better off since they learn to fix all sorts of things.
Her sisters were just horrible and It was very frustrating that Benella didnt confront them on their selfishness but this seems to have been a trait she inherited from her father as he is a very vague character.
Her father just seems so placid about the things that happens to Benella she comes home injured or someone broke into their home and attacked her all of this is met with polite interest and then he just tells her to clean herself up and stay away from the beasts estate. So there are two boys who are harrassing your daughter and your other daughters are keeping you in poverty.
Then, arriving home late and finding your bed empty...” He sighed. “I’m very relieved you weren’t forced into...” He shook his head unable to finish.
In the original fairytale the conflict comes from Beauty being forced to live with the Beast in his castle. Here our Beauty just ambles around without progressing the plot into its pretty much just filler to make it so and so many pages and voila its a book. and to find out the whole story you have to get the next part. I dont mind cliffhangers at the end of a book but what I dont like is when a book is just bait.
Is it ironic that that a book with so much ...ahem gratification on its pages leaves one unsatisfied?
Litrvixen | 11 other reviews | Jun 23, 2022 |
This book was recommended by Ruby Dixon’s herself on her Facebook page. And so of course, I had to read it! .
Surprisingly, Ruby’s books are mentioned in this book in a very comical way
mybookcafelife | 1 other review | Apr 25, 2021 |
Total twists on every page of didnt see that coming! Great twist of a beauty and a beast. Hope I can get the second book soon!!
JamieM12 | 11 other reviews | Aug 23, 2020 |
I was given a copy of this book in return for an honest review.

Hope(less) is a story about a girl named Gabby, she can see colors around people, that isn't an aura. One day walking home from her volunteering at the hospital she noticed a different color on some guy she saw by the water. Much to her surprise he ended up being a werewolf named Sam.

After getting to know Sam, she learned a lot about werewolves, and ended up moving in with him as her foster parents were expecting a child of their own.

Once she turned 18 Sam wanted her to go and be introduced to all the unmated males in his pack. While she didn't agree with it, she went, because she was hell bent on not letting other determine her life for her and she had goals of going to college and making a career for herself.

Well during the last Introduction she met with a massive amount of wolves, and none sparked nothing in her, until she was walking back into the house and the seclusive and quiet Clay was standing there. Boy did this urk Gabby off, this was not supposed to happen. So her aggressive and stubborn nature confronted this tall dark and silent man, and said somethings she shouldn't have, did it seal her fate though?

Gabby gets to her new house and meets her new roommate Rachel, just barely gets settled in when a strange dog comes almost literally knocking on her door, ok,ok,ok he sat down on the towel next to Rachel in the backyard when they were going to sunbathe together. But after a few minutes the bells clicked and she realized her words had come back to bite her in the butt, because the giant dog was Clay in his wolf form.

Throughout this book Gabby learns to communicate with Clay because he refuses to talk, and she learns to trust him, and she in a way learns to love him. However, there's a new color she's seeing with some wolves, it's bugging her not having the answers she needed, meanwhile Clay keeps getting challenged by other unmated wolves. One night Two of the "other" wolves had came to her house and tried to take her, and attack Clay, well one of them so happens to have the same connection to her as Clay does. This confuses the hell out of her.

Will this be the end of everything Clay has worked for in getting Gabby To claim him? Will Gabby claim him even though there is another potential mate for her? What is going on with the "other" wolves?

This story enthralled me to no end. The writing was superb, the story in itself was extremely creative and original. I give Melissa Haag 5 stars for this book. I just hope we'll get to see more of Gabby & Clay in future books, and now I'm dying to get my hands on the next book.
hixxup79 | 10 other reviews | Feb 23, 2020 |
This series is just starting out, and I still want more, more, more. I've never read a werewolf book or series quite like this. It held onto my attention from the minute I read the first words. Only putting it down because I had passed out from exhaustion(LOL). However I picked it back up immediately once I woke and took the day off from everything else just to kick back and read this book. Now that I have finished it, and loved it just as I had the first book, I am left wanting more, and even though the next book is being released this fall, I still think it's too long of a wait, I want more!
hixxup79 | 3 other reviews | Feb 23, 2020 |
Great finale

Really enjoyed the conclusion To the beastly series, Devastation was very different from the first two installment's with the beast's transformation into Alec. We then had Benella missing her beast so much until she can finally come to the conclusion that Alec and the beast are one and the same, a very satisfying finale.
carpathian1974 | 4 other reviews | Nov 7, 2019 |

Deceit was a great sequel , there seemed to be a lot more action in book Two and I was glued from start to finish, still would like Benella to tell her selfish sisters where to go she puts up with far to much from them, was lovely seeing The Beast and Benella start to connect on a more human level , the ending was a cliffhanger so will defiantly be reading book three straight away great read.
carpathian1974 | 3 other reviews | Nov 7, 2019 |

Really enjoyed Depravity, know it was a retelling of the classic fairytale but this seemed a much darker tale. really liked Benella but wish she would stand up to her two selfish sisters, the beast was interesting and I am looking forward to seeing how Benella's and the beast's relationship Progress's in the next installment a very different read.
carpathian1974 | 11 other reviews | Nov 7, 2019 |
Great finale

Really enjoyed the conclusion To the beastly series, Devastation was very different from the first two installment's with the beast's transformation into Alec. We then had Benella missing her beast so much until she can finally come to the conclusion that Alec and the beast are one and the same, a very satisfying finale.
carpathian1974 | 4 other reviews | Nov 7, 2019 |

Deceit was a great sequel , there seemed to be a lot more action in book Two and I was glued from start to finish, still would like Benella to tell her selfish sisters where to go she puts up with far to much from them, was lovely seeing The Beast and Benella start to connect on a more human level , the ending was a cliffhanger so will defiantly be reading book three straight away great read.
carpathian1974 | 3 other reviews | Nov 7, 2019 |

Really enjoyed Depravity, know it was a retelling of the classic fairytale but this seemed a much darker tale. really liked Benella but wish she would stand up to her two selfish sisters, the beast was interesting and I am looking forward to seeing how Benella's and the beast's relationship Progress's in the next installment a very different read.
carpathian1974 | 11 other reviews | Nov 7, 2019 |
Not bad, not wonderful. I was a bit confused at times - since it's been months since I read the last book, which was immediately before (and at some points, overlapping) this one. But I remembered the story well enough. The big secrets and mysteries didn't really work for me - too many new concepts dumped at one time - and the switch at the end kind of messed that up anyway. I don't know. There were good bits, but overall the story didn't work well for me, and I'm not interested in either rereading or reading more by this author.½
jjmcgaffey | Oct 16, 2019 |
It's a down & dirty Beauty & the Beast retelling. I wasn't expecting...quite the graphic...uh, yeah. There are some WAY not Disney elements here. But, she's got a clever take on the tale, and I liked it well enough to buy the next book.
Amelia1989 | 11 other reviews | Jun 10, 2019 |
To read my full review please go to
I read the whole book in the span of a few hours, which oddly enough has not been the norm for me as of late. I could not put this book down, and I really didn't want to! I was immediately hooked on the bizarre and seemingly unfit mother abandoning her teenage 'problem' child in a house, on the edge of a tiny town in the middle of nowhere. Throw in mass amounts of different creatures/species (hello, griffin's!!) and I could have happily lived in that book world forever.
OpinionatedBookworm | 1 other review | Apr 26, 2018 |
And this one is as bad as the rest of this lot - it's exactly the same events as (Dis)content, with very little added by seeing them from Carlos' POV. The terrible trauma that's permanently warped him...seems rather like what a lot of other wolves have gone through, one way or another. Sofia is...kind of pointless, a magic helper who he thinks he's helping, maybe, sort of, but he really doesn't know - and when she finally speaks up, she's gone. I thought his link would turn out to be to Olivia. Not a favorite. Maybe it's because I read too many too quickly, but I'm not being nearly as interested in the second halves of the trilogy - I'm going to wait a bit before I read the last book.
jjmcgaffey | Mar 2, 2018 |
Showing 1-25 of 57