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Thomas Healy (1)

Author of I Have Heard You Calling in the Night

For other authors named Thomas Healy, see the disambiguation page.

4+ Works 75 Members 4 Reviews

Works by Thomas Healy

Associated Works

Granta 89: The Factory (2005) — Contributor — 176 copies


Common Knowledge




Although set in Glasgow, this book is of a different side to Glasgow than I know. It goes into a lot of the religious aspect of the city, not so much sectarianism but this is a book rooted in Catholic traditions which I have no real knowledge or experience of. It was still a really enjoyable book, although at times I felt the writing was a little messy (keep in mind I only have an uncorrected proof, not the corrected, published version). The story is not normally one that would resonate with me, seeing as so much of it focuses on the relationship of the author & his dog - I can't really relate to or enjoy tales like that - but even so it did touch me & I was moved by it. Quite a sweet book, despite being about an alcoholic who owns a Doberman!… (more)
SadieBabie | 3 other reviews | Jun 23, 2018 |
On occasion I will see a book in my library, pick it up, and read it right then. So it was with this book. The blurb on the back leads one to think that it will be about Healy's relationship with his dog, Martin. In actuality it is a memoir of his life primarily from the time he acquires the dog, but ends several years after Martin's death. It was interesting and a quick read, but does not make me want to read more of his work.
whymaggiemay | 3 other reviews | Jan 31, 2011 |
This is a short and slight book, a memoir written by a little-known author who claims to have been saved from alcoholism by his Dobermann dog and his Catholic faith.

That's it, really! It's a sobering antidote to the sickly sweet sentimentality that readers of Marley and Me by John Grogan may be familiar with, but overall, I did wonder why the author had bothered. It was hard to feel sympathy for a workshy and aggressive alcoholic who appeared to be his own worst enemy. Martin the Dobermann was well cared for though in the ten years that he was owned by Healy, and anyone who's owned a dog will understand his commitment and his attempt to describe the emotional rewards of a relationship with a wee dog who is affectionate and intelligent and devoted to you (funny how there isn't a spate of cat ownership books, eh?).

Healy describes his life, growing up in the Gorbals area of Glasgow, leaving school at fifteen, and his various romantic and family relationships as he gets older. Nothing much significant happens, and his story is a familiar (almost cliched) Glaswegian tale of a self-proclaimed 'hardman' getting in touch with his emotions and his relationship with God. The title is from a hymn named Here I Am, Lord that we used to sing at school. This book is only for the homesick and/or extremely sentimental.
… (more)
deargreenplace | 3 other reviews | Nov 18, 2007 |
Absorbing tale of redemption, addiction, and love. The author makes no apologies for his alcoholism and behavior. The love he expresses for his dog is incredibly touching.
montano | 3 other reviews | Jul 12, 2007 |


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