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5 Works 12 Members 1 Review


Between the Lines
by Mel Jones

This book is so much more than just a little book of poetry. I found that each one of these well chosen buddies helped me to look inside and just for that second be, love, and feel life on the purest and clearest of levels. They were all wonderful, but my hands down favorite was "Disappointments", the reason I am sure will become very evident as you read along.

This poet's work is clean, refreshing and celebrates the joy in the everyday approach. She let's us know right up front that this collection is about poetry for it's own sake, not a bunch of boxes or rules to be followed, and after reading it, I wholeheartedly agree. I would recommend this simple book of living and perception to anyone called to the beauty life has to other. Thanks, Mel for your time and thoughtfulness, may you bring us many many more of these exciting messengers.

Love & Light,

Riki Frahmann
biunicorn | Mar 22, 2012 |