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Works by Abe F. March


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
March, Abe F.



They Plotted Revenge Against America by Abe F. March is glimpse into the minds and motivations of a group of would-be terrorists. Christian, Jew and Muslim, they are bonded in their desire to punish Israel’s biggest supporter in the hope of removing the teeth of the Israeli bite. The plan is simple: Go to the US, blend in, observe fish and wildlife in the Northeast and poultry farming in the South, then release viruses that will transmute into a deadly flu, killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.

However, it is much easier to maintain their hatred for the US and desire revenge for their families deaths while living in the Middle-East. Once in America, the teams meet and get to know the people who live in the places they are planning to infect; they begin to have second thoughts and feel guilty, seeing their new friends as their potential victims and not enemies. Things become even more complicated when one of them is detained and interrogated, another falls under the suspicion of a community member, and David, the leader, becomes romantically involved with Samantha, the team liaison.

While this book has moments that seem preachy/teachy about the evil, white-devil America and her meddling in Mid-eastern affairs, it is an intriguing read. As I read this book, Obama-Netanyahu met and “agreed to disagree” about Israeli-Palestinian settlement and peace, and the Swine Flu scare had schools closing in random locations across the US, which added some tension to my reading. I couldn’t help but look at H1N1 with a suspicious eye and think that that might be the work of terrorists… interesting how a deadly, potentially-pandemic-capable virus broke out in a popular vacation spot around the time of US Spring Break.

While I don’t believe the author is anti-American, infact March served in the US Air Force from 1957-1961, They Plotted Revenge Against Americamight be viewed as excusing, even condoning, terrorism against the US by more Conservative, right-wing, politically impassioned people. In much the same way as some Christians jumped on Harry Potter with both feet, proclaiming it “of the devil,” this book might not be received by those who are strong supporters of Israel and believe in US involvement in the Mid-East.

Click for full review: http://thekoolaidmom.wordpress.com/2009/05/20/they-plotted-revenge-against-ameri...
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thekoolaidmom | May 20, 2009 |
To Beirut and Back is a very personal account of the author's experiences doing business - and living - abroad during the turbulent 70's: in the US, Canada, Germany, Greece during the dictatorship of Papadopoulos, and the Middle East just before and at the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War. Mr. March also captures the sense of larger events surrounding him which had a real impact on his private life. This book serves to remind one that "no man is an island."
deutschami | 1 other review | Sep 4, 2006 |
This review was written by the author.
Review by Ron Kruger, newspaper columnist for over 30 years and author of "A Higher Good." 14 Dec 06
If Abe March were a household name like Donald Trump, this well-written account of Abe’s business dealing in the USA and various foreign countries would already be a best seller.
Unlike those standard braggadocio style books about business, however, To Beirut And Back offers a candid and objective insight into the customs, mentalities and troubles in the Middle-East. In fact, Mr. March recently was added as one of the top ranking international experts on the Middle-East by Israeli-Palestinian ProCon.org.
To Beirut And Back also transcends the standard rags-to-riches stories with war-time intrigue and human drama. During the tragic Lebanese Civil War that turned Beirut into a battlefield, Abe was kidnaped once and shot at a few times, yet, like some Indiana Jones of the business world, he walked straight into the face of danger while all other westerners fled for their lives. He is credited with being the last westerner out of Beirut, and the first one back in during these perilous times.
Fortune and recognition may have been the driving force behind Abe March during his adventurous business life, but it is clear that his reasons for writing about it with such candid clarity exceed egotistical reasons. Though he worked on it off and on over the years, March did not offer his account for publication until after he retired and was settled outside the USA for reasons that become apparent as you read it.
And you should read it, because this is much more than a book about just business or Beirut.

18 Dec 2006. Abraham Firestone March, author of "To Beirut and Back", had a vision. At thirty years old, with determination in his heart, he would settle for nothing less than his dream.
A simple dream he had, but one that would be costly. He wanted to answer to no man but himself in his pursuit of financial security for him and his family.
In the late sixties, he worked for IBM for a good wage, but the doldrums of the job did not satisfy him. He soon tired of the day-to-day sameness and desired more than his position could offer.
One chance meeting led him to a man who opened a whole new world for him. After some haggling with the miserly banks, Abe managed to get a loan for the $2500 start-up fee that would pave the road to his later success.
Working at his home base in the United States, and later Canada, Abe flourished in the cosmetic industry. He made more money than was ever possible at his old job, and was pleased that he could provide for his wife and children in the manner they deserved. Still, times were not always easy for him. There were some who were so full of greed; they took advantage of him and other hapless souls who had invested good money into his venture.
When it looked as if things might fall apart, another chance meeting would lead him to Lebanon. He had business sense on this new venture, but soon realized he needed much more than this to succeed in the Middle East. Things were much different in this culture, and came with a whole new mentality. Abe learned through the school of "Middle Eastern" hard knocks, and with time, his enterprise earned him millions of honest made dollars.
Abe reveled in his new livelihood and was proud of what he had accomplished. In those days, even through difficulties, he never gave up on his dream for continued success.
About the time when he thought he could settle down and rest, and enjoy his benefits, the Civil War came to Lebanon. At first, he thought that it just might blow over, but of course, it did not. It was no longer his income that mattered so much. The safety of his beloved family became paramount, and he was at a loss as how to hold it all together.
He saw his income and assets drift away as the gunfire increased. It became a life or death situation even to venture outdoors, and at night the constant barrage of artillery their lullaby. Food and water were scarce; the comforts they were used to were no more. He decided it was time for his family to leave the danger of the country that the March family had come to love. There was only one problem; he no longer had even enough money to escape. With a heavy heart and humiliation as his companion, he borrowed enough money to see his children safely out of the war-torn country. It was then that he reached his ultimate low. He came to a point when he thought dying might be the only saving grace of his family. He had not even enough money to take him or his wife to the shelter of another country.
Finally, through much red tape, Abe and his wife were able to travel back to the United States. His return only brought more humiliation. He was not back to square one, he was much worse off than that.
With nothing left to his name but hope, he did not lose sight of the man he had become, nor the dream that he had carried within for many years. The lure of his beloved land called to him, loud and true. It was a plea he could not ignore.
He left the sanctuary of the United States once again to return to the Middle East.
Would Abe be able to realize his dream for a second time, or would fortune be a thing of long past?

Abe March has written a breathtaking story with perfected accuracy. The story of his years as an entrepreneur draws the reader in and takes immediate claim to their senses. The courage of this man and his family is awe-inspiring. He pays loving homage to his wife, a woman who thought little of her own well-being to stay by his side, and also to his children who made sacrifices of their own to see their father through those bitter times. This is a remarkable biography in every sense of the word. Kudos to you, for a job well done!
I am only left with one question-when is the movie coming out?

Meloni Cassidy – 11/18/06
Author of Everlasting Journey

Wisconsin (10/28/2006)
In To Beirut and Back, Abe March has told a true story of his adventures in the various places of the world he has lived. Anyone interested in what it is like for Americans who venture past our borders to live and work in other countries, especially the Middle East, will find this an informative and important book. I recently read a book where the author wrote of the importance of obtaining the points of views of businessmen, not only political leaders regarding life in other countries. Abe paints a vivid portrayal of life in Lebanon. He writes an excellent account of the Lebanese Civil War in 1975 with such description that one can clearly imagine and feel the bullets as they are fired at him, his despair at losing all he worked for, and the fear he felt for his family and himself. The sadness on Abe’s return to Beirut and his feelings towards his final time of leaving, show his fondness for the country of Lebanon and the problems preventing this beautiful country from ongoing peace. Having met this author, I was impressed by his confidence, determination and his entrepreneurial successes. His travels have influenced his viewpoints of life, which involve looking at the United States from the inside as well as outside. What comes out in his writing is his spirit of adventure and his ability to take risks with calculation and success. I asked about the conversations, and he said he felt they were almost completely accurate, that his memories of what the people in his life had said were vivid, pointing to the importance of his writing of his experiences. In the end of the book he speaks of walking along the sea in Lebanon, of the fishing boats and swimmers splashing in the surf, “as this magic spell possessed me.” He asks what would happen to the Lebanon he had come to love. He speaks throughout the book of his concerns for the Middle East and its future. I would highly recommend this book as a picture of a beautiful country that leaves the reader with admiration for its citizens, as well as a sense of concern regarding the results of ongoing strife.

Mary Appia, A reviewer, 08/09/2006
Not my usual choice in books
This book is not only one of intrigue, but a lesson in the history of Lebanon and the region. For the author’s knowledge of the Middle East alone, I recommend this book. I believe it should be required reading on Capital Hill. I only enjoy a book that teaches me and this one certainly did. It read like a novel, but serves to enlighten. Additionally, Mr. March gives us a lesson in what it takes to succeed. He had passion, motivation, energy and a zest for life, and he wasn’t a quitter. More importantly, he cared about humanity, about doing the right thing. I can only imagine how Mr. March and his family face the daily news accounts of what is happening today in Lebanon – it must be heartbreaking. I am grateful that this book was recommended to me. Read, learn and enjoy.
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abemarch | 1 other review | Sep 14, 2006 |

