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In “Ordinary Graces” there is page after page of encouragement through scripture, prayer and personal stories. I love how the book is broken up into sections on Grace, Strength, Gratitude and Life. As I read through the book, I found words that gave me hope, encouraged me and helped me to live a more joyful life. We can get weary from struggles and feel like we can’t go on. With this wonderful devotion, you can find scriptures that lift you up as you soak in the Word.

I loved the topic she shared on Battle. As I read the pages I slowly understood exactly what “their weakness was turned to strength. They became strong in battle.” Even though I may be going through something, I can turn my weakest moment into strength. I can stand strong and face my battle and know that He is right there beside me.

I have to share this one because it really hit home. The chapter talks about baggage. I know that subject very well. I have carried baggage all my life. I have let it way me down, discourage me and believed hurtful words said about me. After awhile that baggage gets heavy and the lies start to take over. I loved how the author encourages us to, “fix our eyes on Jesus.” It’s time to leave the past behind, stop looking in the rear view mirror and move forward.

This book will be close by at all times so I can go back to it when I feel down, need encouragement and be filled with hope, strength and grace.

I received a copy of this book from LitFuse. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | Nov 16, 2017 |
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. The words of the Psalmist promise peace and security. But the words don’t mean just in the next life. You can start dwelling or abiding in the Lord right now. One way to do that is to immerse yourself in the God’s Word. One good resource is Lucinda Secrest McDowell’s devotional guide, Dwelling Places: Words to Live in Every Season. Divided into seasons with 30-40 daily readings, this devotional will meet you just where you are and where God is too! Each day you will find a verse of Scripture to meditate upon (or memorize), a brief story that explores each Word and questions to make you think. I have been reading selections from Summer and the passages have really spoken to me. I have only one caveat to this book: each day ends with a word from God. Although I did not find anything that contradicted God’s Word (in fact most of the passages are paraphrases of scripture), some may not like that the author puts words in God’s mouth.

If you are looking for a way to reignite your quiet time, then I recommend you check out Dwelling Places.


Audience: adults.

(Thanks to Abingdon and LitFuse for a review copy. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)
vintagebeckie | Jun 29, 2016 |
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