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About the Author

Works by Kris Millegan


Common Knowledge

Places of residence
Oregon, USA



Several years ago, I was looking for this book for my teenage son. We found that the book was a rare find. Amazon had a copy for $70.00 dollars. This feuled the speculation that the information in the book was so damaging that the "Bonesmen" were trying to keep it underground. Well, we didn't get the book at that time, and my son sort of moved on from his interest in conspiracy theories.
Recently, I read a book called the Shut Mouth Society. The secret society of Skull and Bones was mentioned a few times. I started thinking about this book and wondering if it was still HTF. Actually, I had no problem finding a copy.
This book is over 700 pages long. I will confess to skimming large portions of the book that were outright boring. The majority of the book was dedicated to the work of Antony Sutton, who wrote a book about Skull and Bones. The author felt obligated to include all of "Tony's" other papers, many of which were long diatribes and ramblings about technology and the Soviet Union.
The main bulk of the book, probably 65- 75% was about the Bush family. We started out with Prescott Bush and his windfall from dealing with Germany and the Nazis during the war. This issue was hashed and re-hashed to the point of redundancy, like beating a dead horse. The book focused on the administration of George Sr and then Jr. The other prominent members of this secret society had their names dopped in the book, but none of their lives were under the microscope like the Bush family was. I wanted to know what Skull and Bones members did in their meetings, what was in that little temple thing where they had the meetings . What proof was there was strange sexual practices and satanic rituals?
There was a brief chapter and several mentions of the Geronimo issue, but nothing seemed to get resolved.
Very little information was forth coming about what actually went on in Skull and Bones. We are shown pictures and a few documents , given history of fraternities, and other groups on the Yale campus.
The information was thrown together nilly willy. We jumped from the past to present and all points in between, then back again. Some theories were so far flung I laughed out loud.
There is little or no proof to back up claims. I thought is was a waste of time.
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1 vote
gpangel | 1 other review | Nov 18, 2012 |


½ 3.3

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