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Phoebe Morgan (1)

Author of The Wild Girls

For other authors named Phoebe Morgan, see the disambiguation page.

4 Works 271 Members 25 Reviews

Works by Phoebe Morgan

The Wild Girls (2021) 96 copies
The Doll House (2017) 79 copies
The Girl Next Door (2019) 52 copies
The Babysitter (2020) 44 copies


Common Knowledge



This truly is worthy of every 5 star rating this book will receive plus more! Be prepared to be blindsided by one of the most greatest, unexpected conclusions of a novel in 2020!

A woman found dead in her flat, her body slumped over the side of an empty cot. Who killed Caroline and more importantly, where is the missing occupant of the baby’s cot?

The answer to the first question appears to be obvious, the married man she has been having an affair with for the past year and a half, but how does little one year old Eve fit in the puzzle? Would Callum have murdered the baby as well as his mistress and if so, what has he done with her tiny body, or are the police looking for two separate incidents? Nothing is as it seems, the connection is baffling and as the investigation delves further into the lives of Callum, Caroline, and the missing baby’s parents things are even more unexpected than it first seemed.

Told from the viewpoints of Siobhan, Caroline and DC Wildy and set between Ipswich and a villa in France this is one hell of a psychological thriller that reads like a Hollywood movie and packs a massive punch. A clever, dark, whodunit with a small cast of characters that somehow still manages to keep you identifying the culprit wrongly right up until the bitter end, and what an ending it is!

As all becomes clear it is a genuine OMG moment and one that you won’t forget! This was a read in one sitting, couldn’t put down book and I loved it!

If you are a fan of psychological thriller’s than this is the book for you, plus it is a perfect book club book as it will definitely have everyone talking. From the characters, the plot line and then that all important plot twist, it all comes together to make this one of the top books in this genre of 2020!

The Babysitter will be published on 28 May 2020 and is available for preorder now
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DebTat2 | 2 other reviews | Oct 13, 2023 |

I have just finished this book and i am really really impressed with how the book played out.
It is a massively over used statement but! You really should read this book!
If you are fans of Chelsea Cain, Karin Slaughter or M. J. Arlidge, you will love this.
It is an amazing debut novel and Phoebe Morgan is going to be an author to look out for, she will definitely be on mine.
When i wrote the initial review i was only 28% the way through and if my ME wasn’t playing up i would have completed the book much much faster.
It continued all the way through with twists and turns, some plot twists you might see coming but there are many more you won’t!
It’s nice to be surprised by a book these days and not to have it worked out how it will end completely without having to read the end!
I will be recommending this book to anyone that ill listen and i wouldn’t hesitate buying this book for a present for friends and family 😉
Congratulations Phoebe on a brilliant debut, i hope the wait until your next release isn’t going to be too long!!

I have been a bit slack on the book reviews thanks to my M.E but I am still trying!

​My ME has decided to flare up so I have either been asleep or topped up on morphine

I honestly wouldn’t wish this on anyone, just when I thought I had a handle on it, thought I was on the up with it it decides to remind me it still has control over my life!!

​I am currently reading The Doll House by Phoebe Morgan and I’m 28% the way into now.

So far it’s a really good book. Very atmospheric and as things are picking up in the book it’s starting to get more suspenseful with plot twists added in.

I can’t wait to unravel the plot, I just need to stay awake long enough and have the brain fog to clear so I can keep up with the new twists and turns!

​The story so far is about 2 sisters and their partners and the grief of losing there dad who was a world renowned architect. He hand made a big dolls house to a replica of their own house for the girls which they treasured all through childhood.

​Now grown up and having moved the sisters haven’t seen or thought about that dolls house for years, that is until a piece of the house turns up on 1 of the sisters doorstep.

​Who is leaving parts of the house? Where is the dolls house and who has it?

​That has yet to be discovered and I can’t wait, it has defiantly got me intrigued!

​I fell asleep on the sofa reading earlier and Birdie has had a bit of a chew on the corner of my new kindle Only cosmetic damage that god! Some how she managed to take all my earrings and nose ring out without waking me up!! Maybe she has a bit of Magpie in her DNA!

If money gets tight I will have to take her into some jewlery shops lol.

​The kitten wladimir ( named after Wladimir Klitschko! ) is getting a bit to brave, as you can see he ended up shutting himself in Birdies cage!

I was worried about the dog with the kitten but other than following him everywhere we’ve had no problems of that front yet! My dog is a huge Alaskan Malamute so compared to a 10 week old kitten he looks like a giant!! It is a mad house here!!

I am sure the animals know when I am suffering and not feeling great, all 3 cars plus the kitten are in bed with me tonight! Thank god I have a superking size bed or there would be no room for me!

That statement instantly let’s you know I am single!!! I’m heading into the crazy cat lady category if I’m not there already

I will do a full book review on The Doll House when I finish it and going on what I’ve read so far it’s just getting better and better!

Thanks for bearing with me.

Have a good weekend from me and Birdie and now Jack the dog and wladimir xx
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DebTat2 | 10 other reviews | Oct 13, 2023 |
A psychological thriller that portrays a story from a variety of people's perspectives and demonstrates how destructive secrets and lies can be. Nicely written, with well developed characters and some good twists.
gianouts | 2 other reviews | Jul 5, 2023 |

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