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Okay I'm fresh off reading "QQ Sweeper" and was absolutely delighted by this volume! It's exactly what I wanted to see in the continuing storyline and I'm soooo eager to delve into the rest of the books :D
deborahee | 1 other review | Feb 23, 2024 |
Part of a reread project to weed through my manga.

Still super cute, but the outta left field revelations impacted my enjoyment. The story didn't have time to expound on the developments so they occurred, Leo did his crazy eye violence thing and it ended. Leo and Yuiko have the obligatory moment of. "oh no, we'll be separated!" that almost every shoujo I read has. It ended predictably.

As a short manga its cute and is a good intro to Motomi's works (Dengeki Daisy is adorable too).
lexilewords | 5 other reviews | Dec 28, 2023 |
Current reread to weed through my manga collection a bit - this is cute, but much too short. The manga itself is only 6 chapters and an epilogue spread across 2 volumes with two bonus stories.

Yuiko is an everyday sort of shoujo heroine - cute, well liked, a bit quirky. Leo is a cinnamon roll that looks like a psycho that goes dark when threatened. Honestly it would be worrying if Motomi wasn't at pains to say he is harmless unless threatened.

One of the cuter aspects of the manga is the "Banchou" (gang leader) who's super wholesome (neighborhood watches, takes care of strays, protects the weak...).

Overall I enjoy it, but I'm super worried that clearly mentally unwell gal like Morishita is just wandering around freely after nearly killing Yuiko twice.
lexilewords | 6 other reviews | Dec 28, 2023 |
“You’ve trouble communicating but … You can’t use that as an excuse to treat people badly.”
I really want to reread the prequel because I enjoyed it when I first read it. It was definitely a refreshing standout for shoujo. From what I remember this hasn’t lost its charm. In the original series, Fumi was about getting paid. If you weren’t offering money, she wasn’t interested. No working for free! It seems like bills are the least of her worries here.

This new series still has them fighting evil and depressive thoughts (the real villain was poor mental health all along) with the power of cleanliness, Fumi’s amnesia still rears its head, and the author’s signature humor is still good and here. I love how awkward and earnest Kyutaro is when he stops hiding his feelings and how Fumi isn’t the usually cookie-cutter shoujo lead.

Will be reading the next volume!
DestDest | 1 other review | May 21, 2023 |
To better stalk a 16-year-old student, a 24-year-old man takes a job in her high school as a janitor, where he leverages her accidentally breaking a window into her helping to do his custodial work. He gaslights her constantly by denying knowledge about the secret identity of a guardian angel whom she texts for help and support. Knowing she lives alone, he is able to sneak into her apartment when she is sick and give her a kiss while she is too groggy to know who he is. He spies on her constantly and sneaks in physical contact with her whenever he can.

How romantic!

Obviously the audience must cheer for their eventual, inevitable marriage in the final volume. (No spoiler, just an assumption.)

Now excuse me as I go shower all the ick off me.
villemezbrown | 6 other reviews | Feb 12, 2023 |
I'm not going to read further in this series. It doesn't interest me and the premise just isn't workable to me.
pacbox | Jul 9, 2022 |
2.5 stars. Honestly, I'm just not into this series. It's not my thing.
pacbox | Jul 9, 2022 |
no está mal, pero me imaginaba otra cosa
Ella_Zegarra | 6 other reviews | Jan 18, 2022 |
Muy lindo, aunque es comedia más que shoujo
Ella_Zegarra | 5 other reviews | Jan 18, 2022 |
Finally getting back into the pace of rereading this series.
Kat_books | 1 other review | Nov 9, 2021 |
I think for a shoujo manga this story continues to give out powerful messages and or life lessons.
Kat_books | Nov 9, 2021 |
I've gotten bored re-reading this series, either I've out grown it or just enjoy more manga that outshine it.
Kat_books | Nov 9, 2021 |
Like the idiot I'm sometimes are, I bought this in German... I can sorta read German books if the words are easy, contain small sentences and are written for children.
Jonesy_now | Sep 24, 2021 |
I bought these when I was a bit younger. In fact it was one of my *kuch kuch*first bought*kuch kuch* manga. And once in a blue moon I will reread all my manga to see if I still adore them with a passion only a teenager can muster.

Can't say I still have the passion but I still adore this manga.

It just makes me laugh and personally I think it's amazing that this manga can still do that.
Jonesy_now | 6 other reviews | Sep 24, 2021 |
This manga is so good, possibly one of my favorites. The characters are funny and lovable. Teru, the MC, is nice caring, but sometimes acts without thinking things all the way through. Kurosaki is willing to do anything for her, though he hides his real feelings.
DoomLuz | 6 other reviews | Jul 20, 2021 |
This review is posted on both my personal account and the account for Crossroads Public Library.

It’s all so sweet and funny and then the drama makes everything so tense and oh! I can’t say enough nice things about it.
zombiibean | 6 other reviews | Nov 20, 2020 |
Yuiko loves all animals...so much so that she scares them away with the intensity of her affection. One evening, while trying to get her cat home after accidentally scaring it up a tree, she encounters a wild-eyed boy covered in blood. The next day at school she learns that he's Leo, a new transfer student in her class.

Leo is rumored to have gotten into a fight with a group of thugs and won, and everyone's scared of him. Everyone, that is, except Yuiko, who's fascinated by and jealous of the way animals trust him and easily come to him. She approaches him and quickly finds out that he's actually very gentle and sweet, if unused to living among people. Apparently he used to live on an uninhabited island.

However, Leo has a problem. Anytime he sees blood, he blacks out and turns violent - possibly a defense mechanism he developed while on the island, to help him survive against predators. When Yuiko witnesses one such incident, she learns that she can do something no one else has been able to do: tame the beast inside Leo and get him to calm down.

This wasn't a bad volume, although some of the over-the-top details were a bit much for my current mood - things like the stupid blowgun, the repeated appearances by "Boss", the tough-looking softie, and the as yet unexplained detail about Leo having a Japanese-German mercenary as his guardian. Yuiko also drove me a little nuts - she demonstrated that she knew how to coax animals to her but would then screw everything by grabbing the animals and trying to cuddle them like a little kid who hadn't been properly taught how to treat other living beings.

I'm not all that wild about the premise. Leo is a gentle guy, except when he sees blood, at which time he turns into a scary killer who may once have ripped a leopard's throat out during one of his blackouts. And of course Yuiko turns out to be the only person in existence who's ever been able to calm him down with her presence and voice alone. The first time she tries, though, she doesn't manage it until after Leo has bitten her hard enough to draw blood.

There's a bit at the beginning of the volume that irked me: Yuiko's classmates, and even Yuiko herself (that bugged me the most), think it's strange that Yuiko is 17 and is more interested in cuddling animals than chasing after boys. People were literally telling her to stop wasting her time with animals, and I had to grit my teeth.

Throughout most of the volume Leo and Yuiko's relationship is more sweet and platonic than anything. Leo comes across almost like a child. Then things shifted a bit at the very end, and suddenly Yuiko thinks Leo has "a faint manly scent that I hadn't noticed before," and ugh. Really?

I wasn't originally planning on continuing on, but as I was doing a little research prior to writing this review, I noticed that the series is only two volumes long. It feels weird quitting when I'm technically halfway through, so I might see about getting volume 2 from the library at some point.


An extra unrelated short manga called "Fly" from early in the author's career. It's about a girl named Yui who's struggling because she wants to become a pilot even though her family expects her to go to medical school. She's convinced that if she sees a rainbow again before she graduates, her dream will come true, and her best friend Arata supports her. The story is pretty weak, although not as bad as the author's embarrassed one-page introduction led me to expect.

(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)
Familiar_Diversions | 6 other reviews | May 23, 2020 |
This series about cleaners turned into a bit of a mess in its final volume. Especially since it is not really the last volume, because its apparently rebooting under a different title. So the ending is abrupt, answers nothing, and leaves even the creator confused about some sort of impending course correction. Train wreck.
villemezbrown | 1 other review | Jul 28, 2018 |
Loved it! I wish there was more though. This couple is adorable.
RinHanase | 5 other reviews | Mar 11, 2017 |
Loved it! I wish there was more though. This couple is adorable.
RinHanase | 5 other reviews | Mar 11, 2017 |
This was adorable. I absolutely loved it and plan to read more by this author.
RinHanase | 6 other reviews | Mar 11, 2017 |
While it does have plenty of well-used plot points, the basic premise behind this manga is interesting and I loved that the heroine is not your sweet and innocent type, but a self-proclaimed gold digger! Several of the lines made me laugh out loud and have to explain to my husband what was so funny. I think this was a really nice beginning and I was very disappointed when I couldn't find more. I hope I can find the next volume soon.
aurelas | 1 other review | Dec 23, 2016 |
I was reasonably impressed with this series. The premise seemed refreshing (a cleaning-based supernatural menace) and I liked the idea of the lonely, overworked family who just get on with keeping things clean in the background while nobody really cares, as the heroes. The hero felt interesting because while "dramatic loner in black" is a pretty standard cliche, "dramatic loner who does housework and people think is a bit of a saddo, rather than cool or hot" isn't.

The metaphysics of the universe also intrigue me; I like the broad strokes of the bugs thing, and there was something that rang true in the portrayal of mental affliction (I speak from experience) even though it's technically about evil mind-bugs.

Finally, Fumi is a fun character with a refreshingly direct goal. Even though she's technically a gold-digger, it didn't feel like a big problem for supporting the heroine, but rather something understandable and sympathetic given her history of hardship. She's also got some significant disclaimers that mean she isn't just selfish about it, and she's clearly kind-hearted and determined to do her best.½
Shimmin | 1 other review | Oct 2, 2016 |
Wow. I'm going to have to do an instant re-read.
DaffiMere | 1 other review | Jun 2, 2016 |
Showing 1-25 of 34