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Works by Linda Nathan


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This book was extremely hard to follow and understand at times. I didn't feel good about reading the book with so much darkness in it. It is filled with wizards, evil symbols and an overwhelming feeling of fear. I understand the premise of the book looking at good vs evil but it went a little far for me at times. There was something in the book that did catch my eye though. It talks about being tested and one of the characters' say,"They're always with us, guarding us and taking care of us. Nothing bad can happen to us. Next time you'll be even stronger." Yes we do go through tests . They can be very draining and we call out to God for help. Through each trial we do grow stronger as we rely on our faith to help us.

The story is written in a future time and the two main characters are battling what they think is a fight against evil. It comes in to question if they recognize evil or if they are being deceived. The couple almost seem to be pulling away from each other as they try to grasp what all is going on. Have you ever been jealous of someone because they were spiritually more mature than you were? I got that feeling that Loren and Eve were not only battling the enemy but each other. They compare notes on missions they have been through and wonder if they are failing the test. It was interesting to read about their many battles and how much they were able to endure.

Our mind can play tricks on us and make us think things that aren't true. In this story we see a lot of this coming into play. The enemy loves to plant seeds of doubt in us and try to get us to turn on each other. His tricks are endless and if we are not careful, we fall into his trap. The ending is quite powerful and has a great message of faith. The enemy loves to make things that are bad for us look inviting and glamorous. Loren and Eve will each face decisions that could draw them to the dark side. What will they choose?

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
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Harley0326 | 3 other reviews | Oct 21, 2019 |
When I signed up for this blog tour, I was not exactly sure what to expect. Once I began reading, I found the book to include too many New Age ideas and storylines. With Satanic cults and other factions that cause Loren and Eve Montcrest to stray deeper into the dark side of life, I found myself frequently putting the book down. The one highlight in the story is a man who recognizes the dangers facing Loren and Eve in the institute and who prays for their protection.

Set in the year 2050, many questions and ideas posed in the story cause me concern. The details about their foray into the institute made me question the storyline. With Eve and Loren being essentially controlled by dark beings, I feared for their lives, their souls and their sanity.

I recommend reading this book with a grain of concern and frequent breaks.

I received a copy of this book for my fair and honest review.
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PattiPeanut1992 | 3 other reviews | Oct 20, 2019 |
To quote Sir Walter Scott, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave!” Futuristic, science fiction books are not usually my choice of reading fodder, but the description for Richard and Linda Nathan’s “The Glittering Web” and the desire to expand my literary horizons led me to picking this one up. And wow! There is so much to be explored within this narrative that it will almost definitely require a re-read and further study. As such, I think that it would make a very interesting group Bible study topic, perhaps reading this book and then taking the New Age philosophies and contrasting them with the true Word of God. “The Glittering Web” is based on a true story of what the authors encountered in the 1970s, and although it is set in 2050, the events in it are already happening today, making it a prescient and cautionary tale.

As we draw closer to the end of the age, it becomes all the more apparent that we are headed toward a world akin to that inhabited by Loren and Eve Montcrest. Chosen as initiates to the Arcane Institute in Seattle under the New World Order, they are on the fast track to everything they’ve ever dreamed of, until that dream becomes a nightmare. What the Montcrests, and society, covet is power and authority, which culminates in not only wanting to be their own god but to be God Himself. If we’re being honest, this is true of all of us to some degree; we relish being in control, but while surrendering isn’t easy and can seem counterintuitive, it is only when we surrender ourselves to God that we become truly free because He is omniscient and completely good and will always work for our good and for His glory (Romans 8:28). When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He sends the Holy Spirit to live within us, and thus we have access to the most powerful force in the universe!

The New World Order is eerily familiar to the way our society is progressing. A universal mandated religion that is purportedly all-inclusive has taken Christian principles and perverted them by weaving them into Eastern and mystical methods. With end goals of harmony and unity and achieving global godhood, dissenters such as Bible-believing Christians must be tamped out. “The Glittering Web” is a clarion call to everyone that what is going on in this story is also going on right now in real life, and it is truly evil, not harmless or virtuous. Psychedelic drugs, including marijuana, and their effects demonstrate one of the tools characterizing the deception, and opening oneself up to the darkness throws open the door to demonic possession. Virtual reality and technology suffuse the population to such an extent that “most people couldn’t tell anymore where fantasy began and reality ended. Nor did it much matter.” Some of the characters experience moments of conviction, demonstrating that the Lord has not abandoned His creation, and even though they stifle that conviction with flawed rationalization, not wanting to acknowledge what they know deep inside, the Lord still intervenes and invites them (and us!) to a relationship with Him, out of the darkness and into the light.

For the discerning reader who wants to be challenged to remove the veil of harmony and unity that our society is fabricating, “The Glittering Web” is an excellent choice. It is absolutely NOT a lighthearted read, but it is illuminating. I personally would have liked to see a bit more Christian influence earlier on, as the majority of the narrative was disturbing and it wasn’t until about 75% or so through the book, with a few brief exceptions, that the Christian element shone through. I am wondering if this could be a post-Rapture society. Regardless, this is a book that unambiguously depicts spiritual warfare and the dangers of complacency.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through CelebrateLit and was not required to post a favorable review. All opinions are my own.
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Stardust_Fiddle | 3 other reviews | Oct 14, 2019 |
I'm not a fan of futuristic fiction but I was drawn into this tale of a Universal Church and the use of virtual reality in the year 2050, with an increasing danger of spiritual warfare on our society. I found much of the first part of this book hard to understand but I appreciate that the gospel message was stressed as the story progressed and that there is an abundant use of Bible scripture. I also finally understood the significence of the title: evil and deception had become a web---a glittering web!

This story is a graphic reminder that sin and evil do exist and that they wield tremendous power and influence. It is only through belief in God and staying connected to HIs Word that man can withstand their temptations. The authors have definitely succeeded in enlightening readers about the increasing danger of spiritual warfare in The Glittering Web.

I received a complimentary copy from Celebrate Lit and a positive review was not required. These are my honest thoughts.
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fcplcataloger | 3 other reviews | Oct 12, 2019 |

