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Works by Zvi Nevo


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הסרט מציג את קורותיה של קהילת יהודי לודז' דרך סיפורו של יוסף נויהאוז. יוסף נולד בשנת 1924 בעיר לודז', פולין, להוריו טובה וצבי הרש, אח בכור לסופיה. בחודש מאי 1940, הוא גורש יחד משפחתו לגטו לודז' שם היו ארבע שנים עד לגירושם למחנה אושוויץ-בירקנאו. כל משפחתו של יוסף נרצחה במחנה. יוסף שרד את אושוויץ והיה כלוא במספר מחנות אחרים. בתום המלחמה הוא נותר לבדו. בשנת 1946 עלה יוסף לבדו לארץ ישראל, לחם במלחמת השחרור, ובמלחמות ישראל, שיקם את חייו והקים משפחה חדשה. סרט מרגש זה מתעד את הצמתים המרכזיים בסיפור חייו של יוסף, את בחירתו העיקשת בחיים ואת חלקו בתקומת מדינת ישראל. (fonte: Yad Vashem)… (more)
MemorialeSardoShoah | Nov 27, 2022 |
In the summer of 1944, twelve-year-old Hannah Bar Yesha was deported together with her extended family from Hungary to Auschwitz-Birkenau. During the selection process, most of her family members were sent to the gas chambers. Hannah was incarcerated in Birkenau as a prisoner, together with her mother and aunts. This touching film depicts Hannah's life story - from her youth in Ungvár to her immigration to Israel (fonte: Yad Vashem)
MemorialeSardoShoah | Jun 24, 2020 |
Nel Marzo del 1943, a vent'anni, Ovadia Baruch viene deportato con la sua famiglia dalla Grecia ad Auschwitz-Birkenau. All'arrivo la sua grande famiglia viene mandata alle camere a gas; Ovadia lotta per sopravvivere fino alla liberazione dal campo di concentramento di Mauthausen, nel maggio del 1945. Ad Auschwitz Ovadia aveva incontrato Aliza Tzarfati, una giovane donna ebrea della sua città natale, e i due avevano iniziato una relazione amorosa, nonostante le condizioni disumane in cui si trovavano. Questo film unico ed emozionante racconta la loro particolare, commovente storia di amore e sopravvivenza ad Auschwitz, il loro miracoloso ritrovarsi dopo la Shoah e la costruzione della loro casa insieme in Israele (fonte: Yad Vashem)… (more)
MemorialeSardoShoah | Jun 16, 2020 |
Avraham Aviel (Lipkonsky), born in 1929 in Dowgalishok, Poland. On 10 May 1942, Aviel and his family were taken together with the Jews of Radun (the village of the Rabbinic leader, the Chafetz Chaim) and the surrounding areas to be murdered in killing pits. His mother and brother Yekutiel (Koshka) were among those executed. Avraham and his brother Pinchas managed to escape. To Aviel’s great sorrow, Pinchas, who had survived the mass murder, was killed before his eyes while hiding in the Dowgalishok area. Avraham and his father found refuge with a Polish farmer, before he joined the partisans in 1943. That same year his father was killed. In 1945, Aviel traveled to northern Italy, and stayed at a Jewish children’s home in Salvino. From Italy, he set sail for pre-state Israel, aboard the illegal immigrant ship "Catriel Yafeh". The ship's entrance was blocked by the British, who forcibly directed it towards Cyprus. Following internment at a detention camp in Cyprus, Avraham arrived at Israel’s shores in 1946, and underwent absorption training at the Mishmar Hasharon kibbutz. At the beginning of 1948, Aviel joined the Sixth Battalion of the Palmach, and fought on the road to Jerusalem. In 1961, he appeared as a witness at the trial of former SS officer Adolf Eichmann, describing the liquidation of Radun as an example of the tragic story of the Jews of Belarus.
With the generous support of the Adelson Family Foundation. (fonte: Yad Vashem)
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MemorialeSardoShoah | Jun 15, 2020 |

