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Andrea Randall

Author of In the Stillness

13 Works 220 Members 13 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Andrea Randall


Works by Andrea Randall

In the Stillness (2013) 68 copies
Ten Days of Perfect (2012) 63 copies
Jesus Freaks (1) (2014) 12 copies
Nocturne (2013) 10 copies
Something's Come Up (2013) 7 copies
Bar Crawl (2014) 2 copies
Chasing Kane (2016) 1 copy


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This book tells the story of Natalie, a full-time mother who has a lot of emotional issues because she feels utterly unhappy in her marriage. She had to put her career on hold for her husband and has two children who were not planned and she feels angry because she’s not leading the life she wants, the life she was meant to lead. She’s not only truly unfulfilled in the present, she also thinks constantly about the past, about her first boyfriend. Ryker was the love of her life but then he went to Afghanistan and came back not the same person anymore. She had no choice to eventually move on and she met and married Eric. She still feels guilty because she did not stick with Ryker in the end, guilty about ruining her ex-boyfriends life,.. Then, ten years pass and as her marriage crumbles, Ryker walks back into her life. As a result of all that’s going on she cuts herself in order to deal with her feelings and escape them for just a few moments. The author portraits a real and raw account of her emotions and her cutting. It was interesting to learn about her struggle. I so wanted there would be some turning point, some way she could sort through all of it and start healing. When things which remained bottled up and unsaid for 10 long years are finally spoken out loud between Ryker and Natalie, she can start to do just so.… (more)
Ingstje | 4 other reviews | Jan 18, 2016 |


No era tan terrible relatando lo que es el PTSD. En ese sentido, la autora acertó bastante.



Las concepciones ridículas que tiene la autora (y por ende , los personajes del libro) sobre la guerra por el petróleo me las paso por el --- Me interesan muy poco el nacionalismo fanático que usan para justificar sus crímenes en otros países ... A pesar de que no es un ´patriotismo' tan vomitivo como el que se ve en las peliculas de Katherine Bigelow , el sentimiento está presente , más tranquilo y sutil ; aún así , en ciertas partes , se ocupa de mostrar un poco puntos de vistas opositores .

En fin , a lo que voy es que si el libro tratara sólo de eso , ni me hubiera molestado en terminarlo .

Sin embargo ,

Me gustó como se representa lo que hace esa guerra sin sentido a los que van a suicidarse en nubes de balas y bombas . Van a morir pero viven y vuelven a casa con la muerte en la cabeza .

Es más bien una historia de Estrés Post-Traumático y como afecta , no sólo a los que lo sufren sino a las personas que tienen que convivir con eso todos los días . Por ese lado , sí me gustó la historia . La autora no disfraza la brutalidad de ese trastorno y escribe una historia de amor que , si bien en un principio es muy convencional y empalagosa , por la mitad empieza a enfermarse y teñirse de locura (pfff) .

Si se bancan las boludeces que mencioné en el primer párrafo , seguro les va a gustar . Una novela de amor con EPT y un poco del trastorno de la personalidad Borderline .
… (more)
LaMala | 4 other reviews | Jul 8, 2015 |
Read this series immediately! I started this morning, and haven't been able to put them down. This is the third book I've read from the author, and each time she blows me away a little more. You will fall absolutely in love with Ember and Bo. I sure did!
BooksToBreathe | 1 other review | Jul 2, 2014 |
This book will rip at your emotions, put your heart back together, then rip some more. It is so real, honest, and in depth. Randall explores feelings that many go through but would never admit. I find her honesty very refreshing. Having these thoughts doesn't make you a bad person, or any less of a mother. This book shows that through strength and pure determination, anything is possible. Everyone could use a helping hand.
BooksToBreathe | 4 other reviews | Jul 2, 2014 |

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