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Michael B. Regele

Author of Science, Scripture, and Same-Sex Love

2 Works 13 Members 1 Review

About the Author

Michael B. Regele is president and CEO of DecisionInsite, LLC, which specializes in strategic planning and integrated demographics modeling. He lives in Irvine, California, where he is active in his community and church.

Works by Michael B. Regele


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A special thank you to Abingdon Press and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

A Father's Personal Journey through Science, Scripture, and Same-Sex Love with much controversy and debate of LGBT, and the Christian beliefs, Michael B. Regele courageously steps out and delivers personal insight, and well researched information.

With a deep understanding, Regele addresses all concerns and perspectives, intelligently with an easy to read format; from theological reflection, biblical, current medical, psychological, neurobiological, and sociological data on sexual orientation and identity, as well as pastoral insights and most importantly, the warm heart of a father who writes every page with his own daughter in mind.

There are so many detailed topics addressed within the book, and would recommend reading the book when you have the time to study and make notes; as found myself bookmarking so many pages, so hitting only a few of the highlights, I found enlightening.

As Regele mentions, perhaps this awareness is the work of the Spirit. Today, tolerance for diversity has never been greater, at least in the most Western countries shaped by Christianity in one form or another over the past two thousand years.

What Must Change?
“To see our doors opened to the LGBT community and to see the church have a voice in calling them, like straight folk, to faithful discipleship, we must make some changes.”

• The first change: “Our discomfort is our discomfort.”
• The second change: Willingly to redefine what Christian marriage means.
• Third change: How we define Christian leadership.

This issue is no different than the discomfort many Southerners felt when suddenly blacks were granted equal status. It is no different than the discomfort many of us felt as we recognized the need and necessity of granting women equal status in society and in the church. As Paul teaches us in Galatians 3:28.

Some important facts:
• Current science supports the idea that a person’s sexual orientation is an innate trait with which one is born. One does not choose to be heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual. One is born as one of these, or in some cases, intersexual.

• Attraction is attraction. At the biological and psychological level, it is a natural process that is established through processes that also determine a person’s orientation. Attraction serves the human community by bringing people together. All of us have need of healing and restoration of our sexuality, for all of us are broken in some way.

The book addresses three important areas:
• Sexual behavior
• Same sex marriage
• LGBT leadership in the church

For many conservatives, improper sexual behavior leads to the judgment of God and the prospect of spending eternity in hell. Within this conceptual world young people are taught sex is bad unless you are married and you are bad if you practice it before marriage. Consequently we have young people everywhere dropping out of our churches because their choice is between feeling guilty and condemned or turning away from God entirely.

The conclusion, being gay with same sex attraction is an innate reality. There is nothing biologically wrong with being gay. If there is nothing biologically wrong, then there is nothing wrong period any more than there is something wrong with all of us?

He asks the question is same sex marriage acceptable from a Christian standpoint? Not surprisingly, a survey with the question: “Should the religious community embrace LGBT people by Christian affiliation?"

The data demonstrates a progressive to conservative orientation, with Episcopalians at 61% are ready to accept than any other affiliation group. (The Quadrennium Project 2012 Mission Insite, LLC)

• The highest in agreement: Catholics, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Methodists, and Presbyterians/Reformed.
• The groups with the higher percentage of disagreement were: Baptist, Non-denominational, and Pentecostal/Holiness.
• Out of the eight religious affiliation groups, 40% believe same-sex marriage should be legalized compared to 31% who disagree.

With new perspectives from scientific to scripture, presented with compassion and clarity—causing new reactions and awareness. A book for all ages, diversity, churches, leaders, and those of any sexual preference and religious belief; liberal or conservative—especially for those who have been clouded by narrow minded and ignorant thinking to age old beliefs.

It is sad, especially when parents, friends, family, and churches are turning their backs on gays and their lifestyles. What does this say about their behavior? I have many LGBT friends and have heard horror stories of their guilt, shame, condemnation, and judgments; primarily coming from family and the church—It is time for a change. A Must Needed Gift-Well Done!

BTW: I come from Non-denominational and Baptist background; unfortunately, they are both in the highest disagreement group; however, not all of us share these findings and fully aware of their misconceptions.
… (more)
JudithDCollins | Nov 27, 2014 |


½ 3.5