Mary Ross (disambiguation)

"Mary Ross" is composed of at least 6 distinct authors, divided by their works.

Author Division

Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
The disambiguation notice area is used to provide information that helps distinguish one author from another. Do not use the canonical name field for this purpose.
Authors include:
#1 Mary Ross, 1918- , author of The Color of Loneliness.
A Mary Ross of the same birth date also coordinated Belfast People, about Canadian history.
#2 Mary Ross, 1939- author of Delightful Quilts in Bloom
#3 Mary Spilsbury Ross author of Frugal Feasts
#4 Mary Ross (York Notes) author of Notes on Faulkner's " As I Lay Dying "
#5 Mary Letitia Ross, 1885-1971, historian, wrote about the early history of Georgia and the southeast, Spanish Days in Glynn County.
#6 Mary Ross (  -2001), of the Bureau of Research and Statistics, SSA, Why Social Security.