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Carrie Rubin

Author of The Bone Curse

8 Works 80 Members 10 Reviews

About the Author

Image credit: Carrie Rubin

Works by Carrie Rubin


Common Knowledge

Short biography
Carrie Rubin is an award-winning author with a background in medicine and public health. Her genre-bending medical thrillers include The Bone Curse, Eating Bull, and The Seneca Scourge. She is a member of the International Thriller Writers association.



Thoroughly enjoyed this one. The main character isn’t always reliable which makes a psychological thriller all that much more fun. Satisfying conclusion too.
PatMBooks | 2 other reviews | Sep 28, 2022 |
Fatal Rounds is the first in a series starring Liza Larkin. Larkin is an odd character, although you don't know that right away. She's a new pathology resident at her second-choice hospital, second-choice not because her first choice turned her down, but because the second choice is where her stalker works. Yes, Larkin has a stalker and she's decided to stalk him in order to find out why he is stalking her. This is all in chapter one. Talk about hitting the ground running.
The decision to stalk her stalker is the reader's first clue that Larkin is not your average pathology resident. She's different, and Rubin carefully and with great sensitivity teases out Larkin's issues. First, her mother has schizophrenia, exacerbated by the untimely death of her husband.

Second, Larkin herself has schizoid personality disorder. Her diagnosis is not interchangeable with her mom's, and it's a complicated diagnosis. Some labels fit her, and some don't. What keeps her together is recalling her father's words:
"You are not a list of symptoms, Lisa. You are not a diagnosis. You are you, you are special, and you are wicked smart. Most importantly, you have a good heart."

That Rubin includes all this info in the first couple of chapters is so important. Larkin and her mother are not stereotypes lifted out of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. That is made clear right away, as is the fact that people, even those who are well-meaning, will revert to labeling when they feel afraid, threatened, or just confused. That's why I consider this novel a kind of short course on psychopathology. Not only does Larkin struggle with her own anti-social tendencies and anger management issues, but she also has to help manage the ebb and flow of her mother's psychosis. The reader learns a lot about the fine lines some people like Larkin have to walk.
Off the bat, the reader is sympathetic to Larkin. She's honest about her issues and protective of her mother. You don't blame her for wanting to figure out why the stalker - Dr. Sam Donovan, trauma surgeon extraordinaire - seems to have an interest in her. But, also because of her issues, as she takes risks to follow Donovan, snoop on him, and build a case against him, you start to wonder whether she is imagining things. At least I did.

I started doubting Larkin's mental stability, but, as if Rubin knew that would happen, Donovan started showing his ugly side, the cracks in his otherwise perfectly polished armor. Rubin's timing in this novel is perfect, and the boxing metaphors that Larkin uses to describe her challenges with Donovan are well done.

Larkin goes so far as to risk her residency, ultimately her career, when Donovan wins a few rounds. Before Larkin realizes it, a lot more than her residency is at stake. Donovan knows that losing her residency won't stop her from trying to prove he's guilty of murdering former patients. So he goes after those closest to her, the few people in her corner.

Whoa. While I didn't listen to the audiobook in one sitting, I did do about five hours of housework listening to it. And, believe me, only a riveting thriller such as Fatal Rounds could get me to do five hours of housework.

The story didn't end when I thought it would end, and at first, I wondered, what more needed to be said? As it turns out, plenty needed to be said. There were the usual loose ends that needed to be tied up, but I really appreciated the final chapter. The reader, at least this reader, needed to sit with Larkin in her psychiatrist's office and consider the questions he poses to her. Were there alternatives to the choices Larkin made in her pursuit of Donovan? Did she have to take the risks she took? You tell me after you've read Fatal Rounds.
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BaileyBrown | 2 other reviews | Sep 22, 2022 |
A drama with a medical setting that uses a boxing metaphor.

Liz Larkin is determined to prove that a respected trauma surgeon is intent on doing her harm. She selects the hospital he works at to do her internship and immediately begins her campaign to find out what he's done. Her backstory of a history of mental health issues makes her a very unreliable narrator. I hoped, however, that this was going to make the story unique.

As everyone around her is convinced that Liz is losing it and having some kind of delusional break from reality with her accusations and suspicions, she continues on her mission. When everything ends up exactly as I worried it would, I was extremely disappointed and let down. I didn't like Liz and the whole plot required more suspension of disbelief than I can manage. I was looking for a medical thriller and this was not it. The most interesting aspects of the narrative were the actual details about pathology and disease. I can't recommend it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Indigo Dot Press for this e-book ARC to read and review.
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CelticLibrarian | 2 other reviews | Sep 20, 2022 |
I could not put this book down!!!

The protagonist and involuntary detective is Ben Oris, a medical student in Philadelphia. On a vacation to Paris with his best friend, Laurette, a Caribbean grad student, Ben is injured by a centuries-old femur found in the catacombs. The wound and possibly related events send him on a dangerous adventure, leaving him torn between the enigmas of island vodou and the mysteries of science.

Because much of this nail-biting thriller plays out against a backdrop of the hospital, Ben’s teachers and fellow students, and his medical curiosity and knowledge, I found the story fascinating even beyond the suspenseful mystery that unfolds. I always love a thriller or mystery where I can exist in a world new to me, and The Bone Curse lets me experience life as a medical student. Blood makes its appearances, but it is all a legitimate part of the story, and without the gory and gratuitous nature of a horror book.

The book is also very realistic, but not hardboiled and neither is Ben. He’s a young and sympathetic character. His love for his dad and his friends makes the reader feel protective of Ben. He was raised by two dads, but Max has passed away before the events of the book. That he is still a part of landscape of Ben’s life speaks well of the protagonist.

The characterizations and settings are very well done, but of course, the plot is the real star of this intense and thrilling experience.

Now for the best part. This is Book I in the Benjamin Oris series! I am eagerly anticipating the second book.
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LuanneCastle | 2 other reviews | Mar 5, 2022 |


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