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Brandon Shire

Author of Afflicted (Afflicted, #1)

25 Works 284 Members 43 Reviews 1 Favorited

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Includes the name: Brandon Shire


Works by Brandon Shire


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I enjoyed this fairly well executed story a lot but my mind kept going back to T. Baggins fabulous book Protection. The parallels between the two are many. That said, this story is still well worth reading. The story is spread over the eight months that Anderson has left to his sentence and paces itself well. The story has its "wtf?" moments that better editing would have taken care of but all in all it read smoothly. I enjoyed the character Lem and the man of integrity he was. He played the game but never let the system tear him down. Anderson was wishy-washy to my not in his lack of love for Lem but by his attitude in general. The gift of the bonsai brought a tear to my eye as that tree was the sum of Lem's being. Oddly, I really don't care why Lem killed his brother but I imagine that there was rape involved. I'm looking forward to the next book in this prison series.… (more)
Connorz | 8 other reviews | Jan 4, 2023 |
Goodreads lost my review so I am trying to recreate it. Sorry.

I have to admit I love Brandon Shire. He is a gifted writer.
Cold was an emotional read for me. I knew going in it would be difficult at times for me to read. No, not because I am a straight momma/granny. But because I have a child in prison.He will not be getting out in my lifetime. I know prison is a violent place. My son knows I do. However, much like Anderson, he tries to shield it from me. Because I love him I let him think he is doing that well. I have also grieved at his loss for a family of his own. What I loved most about this book was the hope it gave me. In my grieving I had not let in the possibility he could meet someone in there. So I would like to say thank you to Mr. Shire for showing me that.
Cold is realistic. Prison is not nice. It is not easy. But it is home to millions of people all over the world. There is a "normalcy" to be found inside. Relationships, (good and bad), work, time to watch tv, play games read or just stare at the ceiling, along with meals and showers are a part of life there. So is extreme violence and never having a real moment of privacy. Mr. Shire writes that entire world in. It is strange to think of normalcy when you speak of prison but when you are there for years, that is what it is. I appreciate the glimpse into the day to day where monotony rules with fear. The violence that we witness is heart-pounding real but not gratuitous. As hard as those scenes were to read they were a necessary part of the story.
The love story was interesting to me. The setting just does not scream romance. Romance, however, is what we get. At times it was sweet. Again though, Mr Shire kept it real. There are male with male sex scenes and it is clearly written. I did not feel at all uncomfortable reading it, (which has happened more than once in straight romance books). I believe it was because the sex was not just thrown out there for titillation. It was lovemaking, albeit in a strange place for me. I thought it beautiful.
Anderson is getting ready for release and so we meet his sister and his mom. Hearing Anderson's thoughts on his mom's visit was especially interesting to me. I am happy that was not left out. we get to know Anderson fairly well. Not so much Lem. It is Lem who intrigues me so much. Maybe it is the mystery. Maybe it is the long sentence or a combination of the two. I want to know more about him.
The story leaves off with Anderson being released and Lem thinking about parole. Happily there is another book coming, hopefully soon. I am looking forward to it.

I recommend this book to anyone looking for a beautifully written romance that is realistic. As stated it has violence, language and sex, (male with male), so be aware of that. I really do hope that will not keep you away as it is a truly fascinating romance. Easily 5 stars.

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Wulfwyn907 | 8 other reviews | Jan 30, 2022 |
I was really left with mixed feelings on this one. The setup was something that really pulled me in - teenage runaway is about to give up on the streets when a kindred spirit finds him and is willing to take him under his wing. There is definitely a lot of potential in there. But the character of Erik really irked me - the way he treated Jonathan was bothersome and the inconsistencies in his behavior left me wondering if he really was up-and-down like that or if his character just wasn't well-defined.

In the end, it's a cute story - hence the 3 star rating - but I really would have liked more character development and bit more down-to-earth and less scattered approach.
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crtsjffrsn | 4 other reviews | Aug 27, 2021 |
OMG Hunter is Matt Murdoch!

Okay that statement isn't quite the truth but it's pretty close. I really liked this story of a blind man and a rent boy that come together for sex and then fight against falling in love.

Neither character is perfect, especially Hunter who can be judgemental and abrasive in his need for independence. But I like characters like that. And to be honest I'd be like that if my best friend behaved the way his did. I'm sure it was supposed to come off concerned but I found her controlling and hated her pretty much from the get go. It's a shame because none of the female characters were presented in a particularly good light.

NB. I read the revised edition apparently, however there were still some issues with the names being switched.
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Lillian_Francis | 14 other reviews | Jul 26, 2021 |


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