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S D Simper

Author of The Fate of Stars

13 Works 217 Members 10 Reviews


Works by S D Simper


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As far as prequels go, this was a bit meh. I loved Simper’s Fallen Gods series, though, so I know her stories improve over time…
claudiereads | Nov 25, 2022 |
Holy shit! This book!

I feel like my head’s about to explode, but it’s all starting to make sense now…

I think I know what Flowridia’s bargain with Casvir will lead to, even though I hope I’m wrong. However, all the clues are pointing in that direction — Staella’s scroll, probably containing the secret of Ilune’s conception; Ayla’s reaction to the news; last but not least, Chaos seems like she’d be an almost-exact replica of Ayla, but with additional necromantic powers… And in Casvir’s tender care, she would grow up to be a horrible threat, damn that deal-making horned bastard...

This series is great! Hope we won’t have to wait long for the next — final? — installment.
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claudiereads | 1 other review | Nov 25, 2022 |
I loved this third volume! But I swear, if this story gets any more intense, I might die from emotion overload. The action barely let up here, and when it did, we were immediately assaulted with delicious angst without a single moment of respite. For me, these books are impossible to put down. I foresee a great deal of suffering in my future, waiting for the fifth book (but that’s what I get for thinking this series was complete).

Flowridia’s character development over these three books has been simply spectacular. She continues to amaze me with her strength in the face of all that’s happened to her. I don’t think the naïve girl she’d been at the beginning of this epic journey would recognize the woman she was forced to become — but that was the price of getting her heart’s desire.

Though the cost of her return was extremely high — and poor Lara didn’t deserve such a fate — Ayla is finally back!!! New and improved, and more powerful than ever before, the better to tear all of Flowridia’s enemies to pieces…

I should also mention that I absolutely adore the new couple, Etolié and Khastra, even though their difficult situation breaks my heart. What can I say, I’m a sucker for tragic love, and these two are just lovely. Hope to see more of them in the next book.
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claudiereads | 1 other review | Nov 25, 2022 |
4.5 stars!

Despite bemoaning the fact that Flowridia and Ayla’s romance has been put on hold — though the fourth book’s cover makes it obvious that Ayla will be back someday soon — I was very impressed by this second installment in the Fallen Gods series! It was quick-paced and packed with the kind of adventure I so adore in fantasy books.

I loved seeing Casvir through Flowra’s eyes. His brusque, domineering personality notwithstanding, I feel like he’s the kind of mentor (and dare I say, even father-figure?) Flowra needs to realize her full potential as a witch/necromancer. She’s gained so much self-confidence during their quests. She’s still the sweet and kind-hearted girl we met in the prequel, but she’s been disillusioned one time too many, and she’s finally ready to stand up for herself!

The horror factor intensified here, as well. The things we learned about Flowridia’s beloved, Ayla Darkleaf — The Endless Night, Scourge of the Sun Elves, The Gaping Maw — were ghastly and macabre and just about made my hair stand on end! (I loved it, though!) I think I should delete the quotation marks from my previous review, because she’s not a ‘monster’ — she’s a Monster. But that’s what makes her love for Flowra so extraordinary and heartbreaking.

I’m in awe of Flowra’s resolve to bring her back. She’s so brave. To go as far as to meet Ayla’s demonic progenitor and agree to his terms… Ahhh, I can’t wait to see what happens in the next book!
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claudiereads | 1 other review | Nov 25, 2022 |



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