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Open to the first page of this book and you are introduced to a real-life Batman; minus the Batarang. Jeff Case does drive a sweet ride, has seemingly unlimited funds, and employs invaluable assistants to aid him in each facet of his life.

Vigilantism may not be widely accepted in the real world, but we are surrounded by villians allowed to roam free because of loopholes hidden within our legal system. How will the victims receive the justice they deserve? Can Joe Public be of help?

Author Mr. Robert Guess addresses this problem in his book Kill Crime. The cases collected for this controversial book has drawn the attention of both victim and villain. It has also drawn those equally frustrated with the legal system.

Beneath it all, this story isn’t so much about good versus evil but establishing the line between Citizen Cop and Vigilante. Is it ok to turn a blind eye if you know the right channels will only lead to a brick wall? Who gets to decide how far one can go before returning back from the feined ignorance? And then what do you do when the media catches wind of these activities?

I thoroughly enjoyed tagging along with Jeff as he contemplated many of these questions. Nothing for him was simply black or white. I began wondering what I would do if faced with the same. Hopefully, I won’t have to do more than just wonder.

I look forward to learning what will happen in the next chapter of Jeff Case’s life.
Bibliodiction | Apr 5, 2020 |