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Includes the names: Tara Susman-Pena, Tara Susman-Peña

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Fighting Misinformation: Digital Media Literacy by Tara Susman-Peña, Mehri Druckman, Nina Oduro is a 2020 Great Courses publication.

This Great Courses series of lectures is the first one I’ve encountered that was a wee bit underwhelming. It’s a little catch-22 though, and I ended up with mixed feelings about it. Most of the information presented is simple basics that most people should be aware of by now.

On the other hand, if that was the case, we wouldn’t still be talking about the spread of misinformation.

So, here’s my advice on this one-

If need guidance on how to spot manipulated images or video, or dubious sources, or would like to know what tools are available on the internet to guide you through fact checking of all types, this is a course you might find helpful.

If you are internet savvy or grew up using social media, this might be old news to you. Still, some of the advice is worth hearing again if you tend to react on impulse when a social media post provokes your sensitivities.

Keeping your in emotions in check and using common sense will go a long way in curbing the spread of misinformation.

Check everything out thoroughly even if a post is shared by a trusted friend. Cross referencing is very important, even if it means going beyond the first page of your browser’s search results.

Be especially careful if the post has made you angry or is upsetting to you. Take a step back before responding. Be even more diligent if the post mirrors your personal beliefs, as we are more apt to share impulsively with without checking the validity of the information. Remember, opinions aren’t facts.

Overall, if you are already fact checking and running images and videos through various internet tools to check on the accuracy and authenticity of the content and have already researched ways to spot fakes and manipulations, you can skip this course.

On the other hand, if you have no idea how to research content before sharing or would like to know the best reference resources on spotting misinformation, this course will point you in the right direction and will give some good suggestions about how to avoid rashly sharing misinformation.

The best advice given in the course-

Disconnect and take a break from your screens on occasion- for several days at a time, if possible. It’s amazing how much better you will feel, and how your perspective will change if you unplug for a while.
… (more)
gpangel | Apr 2, 2021 |

