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2 Works 15 Members 6 Reviews

About the Author

Image credit: Kevin Allen Photography

Works by Mary L. Tabor


Common Knowledge




This review was written for LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I received this ebook from Librarything Member Giveaways. I was looking forward to hearing her story but found I couldn't even finish the book despite serious attempts. I just couldn't connect to her character.
lbmillar | 1 other review | Dec 18, 2011 |
True Life, True Love, True Forgiveness

Tabor straightforward lays her heart and her love life out for the reader to dissect. Lyrical writing and poetic expressions from the heart enlaced throughout the book. I found Tabor to have the heart of a saint. I could not have stood by and watched what her husband did to her, for my fist would have surely been in somones face. I did so love this (Re)Making Love story, not only for the writing style but for the heartfelt memoir that it is. I also enjoyed and found it unique how Mary referrers to each man in her life, whether be it past or present by lower case letter and her husband of course is a capital D., which ironically can be taken in a different context. The D. I mean. The most beautiful part of this book is when Mary talks about her husband coming around and how they got back together. If you are looking to read a true love story, one that embodies the very depths of someones life with an air of their dirty laundry, plus a sprinkle of faith and forgiveness that later leads to a happy ending then (Re)Making love is for you.

Read an article on Mary L. Tabor and Del Persinger and their reunited love after a lengthy separation and their 26 years of marriage. http://www.realsimple.com/work-life/family/relationships/mary-l-tabor-and-del-pe...
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autumnblues | 1 other review | May 18, 2011 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
This is a collection of short stories. Through these stories, we meet a collection of people, and though the connection is never made obvious, the people featured in these stories are connected, appearing in passing in the other stories.

The stories focus heavily on memories, and frequently food is a catalyst for the memories. People reflect on family members who have passed away. Many characters also seem to be at a crossroads of their life. Dissatisfied with relationships or jobs try to make sense of it all.

The prose is beautiful, but ultimately, I was left wanting more. I wanted to know more about how the characters were connected, I wanted to know what happens next.
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stacyinthecity | 3 other reviews | Jun 19, 2010 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
This is a book which I would probably never have read if not for the Library Thing Member Giveaways program, in which authors give away books in exchange for reviews. I am very happy that I signed up for this since I really enjoyed this short story collection.

In eleven short stories, we get to follow ordinary people during periods in their lives where events of some kind cause them to reflect upon things that have happened, people they have met, lived with, loved, etc. After a while I noticed that many, if not all, stories are interconnected; minor characters in some of the stories became lead characters in others. This helped me, as a reader, to gain a more in-depth picture of the people I read about, which is always nice. Something else that I really enjoyed with these stories was all the references to food. Food, kitchens and cooking in the book are aids to preserve memories of everything that has happened in these people’s lives, but even more their memories of other people.

This is a book filled with finely-attuned portraits of ordinary people with ordinary problems and joys. Mary L. Tabor is an authorship of which I am very happy and grateful to have made the acquaintance. She has a webpage where one can read more about her and also buy her book.

(This review is also posted on my Goodreads page and a version in Swedish is posted on my blog.)
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ThursdayN | 3 other reviews | Jun 6, 2010 |


