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Winter Travers

Author of Nickel

77+ Works 355 Members 27 Reviews 1 Favorited

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Includes the name: Winter Travers


Works by Winter Travers

Nickel (2017) 23 copies
Loving Lo (2015) 21 copies
Pipe (Fallen Lords MC, #2) (2017) 16 copies
Playboy (2020) 13 copies
Battling Troy (2015) 8 copies
Boink (2018) 6 copies
Free Ride: An MC Romance Taster Anthology (2017) — Contributor — 6 copies
Clash (Fallen Lords MC) (2019) 6 copies
Six-Gun (2020) 5 copies
Redlight (Nitro Crew, #3) (2019) 4 copies
Holeshot (Nitro Crew, #2) (2018) 3 copies
Sweet Burn (2018) 3 copies
Slayer (2019) 3 copies
Wanting More (2017) 3 copies
Beauty and the Grump (2023) 3 copies
Tangle My Tinsel (2020) 3 copies
My Biker: Iron Fiends MC (2023) 2 copies
The Meat Market (2017) — Author — 2 copies
Iced (2022) 2 copies
Brinks (2020) 2 copies
Shutdown (Nitro Crew, #4) (2019) 2 copies
Oral Communication (2021) 2 copies
Room 19: The Last Resort Motel — Author — 1 copy
Corrupt Intentions (2023) — Author — 1 copy

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Jinx is the 7th book in the Royal Bastards MC: Sacramento Chapter series by Winter Travers. This one was a pretty sad book that was hard for me to connect with. I'm used to a lot of action in Winter Travers' books and this one was very emotional instead, very toned down.
This book is about Maggie who was in the rehab center when it blew up and she also lost her baby. Her emotions are all over the place from all that happened and Perry's lies coming to light. The club wants to catch the Triple Zeroes once and for all and make sure nothing else happens to Maggie or the club. Her bestie Jemma tries to help but Maggie just pushes her away. She's not ready and wants to be alone. The only one who won't leave her alone and she finally lets in is Jinx. He spends time with her and just lets her go through the motions she needs to and it makes them closer to each other.
I gave this one a 3-star rating and a 3-spicy rating. I thought it was emotional and sweet and I admire Maggie for what she's gone through and overcome but I just couldn't get into the book like I would have preferred to. By far the funniest thing about this book that I will never forget is heirloom grease. I laughed so hard when that was brought up. You'll have to read to see what it is but I promise you'll laugh too! It left off on a cliffhanger for Mace and I can't wait to see how the club deals with this one.
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RebelDevlin | Dec 7, 2023 |
Winter Traver's latest book My Biker from her Mayhem Makers: Iron Fiends MC series was an excellent read. Just like other Mayhem Makers series books, this one takes place at the MMM book signing event in Texas. I was laughing so hard through some of this book it was so hilarious with the writers at the event including Winter Travers herself.
This book is about Sloane who is a die-hard reader who drags her bestie Dove to the MMM signing event where she hopes to meet all her favorite authors and pick up more books than I've ever heard of at one time. I'm talking multiple trips to her hotel room because she got dozens if not over a hundred. This girl remind me so much of me I just loved her. Her entire life is working and reading. She meets Aero a member of the Iron Fiends MC just like a heroine in her book would. He saved her from falling on her ass. Classic move and she thought she was dreaming. She fascinated Aero from the start. He'd never met someone like her before and was instantly attracted to her. They spend the weekend together and he was determined to show her she wasn't living a dream. That what they had was real and not one of her books. I was really able to relate to her when she told him "The real world is a mess, Aero. I do better with my nose in a book where drama happens, but it's all solved within a few pages. Books are safe." By the end of the weekend he was determined to keep things going and they did but unknown to him big changes were coming to his club thanks to his President and possibly some changes for Sloane as well when she gets an email from one of her favorite authors.
I gave this book a 4-star rating and a 3-spicy rating. I related to this book in a way I haven't in a long time. Sloane is just me at heart and her bestie Dove reminds me of mine. I'm glad that Sloane got the chance to live her book fantasy in real life like so many of us wish we could. And the turn at the end is the last thing I ever thought I would read in an MC series. I'm very interested to see how it plays out in the next book up My Savior.
*I received this book for free. I voluntarily gave an honest review.*
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RebelDevlin | May 25, 2023 |
Twelve Bikers for Christmas anthology is a group of 12 stories centered around Christmas. The mix of authors is great. Some I read all the time and others I read for the first time. Rating anthologies is hard for me cause there are some stories I just loved and others I felt fell short a bit.
One For The Road (Stone Kings MC) by Daphne Loveling
I loved this one cause I got to catch up with Grey and Seton who were my favorite characters when I read the series. In this book it's mostly centered around Grey and Seton, her brother Cal and his wife Andi plus all their kids. Andi is on tour with her rock band Hard Candy while Grey and Seton are watching her kids. For her last show she makes sure it takes place in Denver so the whole club can go. Of course trouble isn't far behind when she throws a pre-party just for the club and family. Thankfully they all survive to see Christmas. This one is a good read and a good chance to catch up with the Stone Kings.
Two Silent Nights (Silver Rain MC) by Esther E. Schmidt and Addy Archer
I've only read Esther E. Schmidt's Royal Bastards MC books so this one opened me up to more of her writing and it was great. I thought it was a little fast paced but it's meant to be a short story. Olcay is a dancer whose sister Odette gets screwed over by her ex-Bo who turns out she never really knew. She is desperate for money to help her sister and takes a job she never would have otherwise. Then she met Kayler, the VP of the Silver Rain MC. She was his "birthday" present! Things weren't supposed to go as far as they did but both couldn't have been more happier. They both found their H.E.A. Even when trouble showed up. The club banded together to protect Olcay, Odette and her son. There are twists in this story that I didn't see coming. And more than one H.E.A. it turns out. This story continues in Two Silent Nights Times Two which is the story of Conroy and Odette. I can't wait to read that one to see how it ends.
Three Days To Fall (Liars & Fools MC-North Carolina/Legends MC) - Marialisa Demora
I've never read any of Marialisa Demora's books before this one. And I hate to say it was one of the few in the book that didn't really get me. It's so fast paced and unrealistic to me. The whole story takes place in 3 chapters and is about Irish and Ellen. I'm glad they got there H.E.A. but it was like beginning and end with no in the middle it was told so quickly. I hope Marialisa Demora writes a full book for them because they are great characters and their stories are heartbreaking and inspiring that I would like to read more.
Four Biker's Calling (Mayhem & Chaos MC) - Kathleen Kelly
I've read alot of Kathleen Kelly's books and this one was not one of my favorites and it was left on a cliffhanger. If she does a book just for this story then I probably will like it and I hope she does. But this story takes place in maybe a day and all in a diner. Alot of it just seemed like filler to me. No real story got told except Mabel whose past was explained. It was more like a prequel to a book to come with the way Kathleen Kelly ended it.
Five Little Letters (Heaven's Rejects MC) by Avelyn Paige
This was my 1st book by Avelyn Paige and I feel like in order to understand it I'd have to read the whole series. It was a good story and I want more of it there was just alot I didn't understand from not knowing the backstory to the characters. This book was about Ginny who was in witness protection and finally got out to come home to her brother Ratchet and his wife Ricca. Slider, Ginny's love is mentioned in the book but we don't get to meet him. Ginny is trying to get back in the swing of things when a horrible accident happens in their community and the girls of the club rally to help the family out. The story was left on a cliffhanger so I hope she will finish the story in another book. I know I will read that one to know what happens with Ginny and Slider.
Watch Your Six (Houston Defiance MC) by K.E. Osborn
This was one of my favorite stories cause I love the Houston Defiance MC. I hated how the series in Houston ended so I was glad we could get caught up with them. This book is mostly about Six the now Prez, his Ol' lady Rebel and the kids they have. Everything is going great until Six with his big heart rescues a damsel in distress Skye. Then all the trouble begins. He wants to be the good guy so he doesn't listen to Rebel or the brothers in the club when they tell him she is trouble and has to go. But that's Six. He's always had to help people he sees needs it, especially women. Nothing bad about that but you have to be cautious and he finally learned that when he almost loses everything. The Brothers of Blood MC makes an appearance in this book as well. I'm glad Six and Rebel finally got their H.E.A.
Santa's Seven Bikers (Kings MC) by Betty Shreffler
This was another 1st for me. I haven't read any of Betty Shreffler books yet. This story is about William the club secretary and Maci his ex-girlfriend. William never saw himself settling down and being a dad or anything. He was always a wild one and that led to his break-up with Maci. Then she shows up months later pregnant to tell him he's going to be a dad. To say it's a shock to William is mild. This story is about him coming to terms with being a dad and realizing what he really wants in life and he comes out a better man for it at the end.
Eight Years Later (Club Girl Diaries) by Addison Jane
I've read the Club Girl Diaries and loved them as much as I do Addison Jane. This story is about Kat and Tally. For a couple years they had a friends with benefits going on and both wanted to make it more serious but were too scared to. That meant Kat and her son disappeared for 8 years until her neighbor brought trouble to Kat's door. She has to flee to protect her son and herself and goes to the one person she knew would protect them and make them feel safe, Tally. Over the past 8 years Tally has had alot of anger build up from Kat disappearing without telling him but as soon as he sees her it's gone and he's in protective mode. This time he handles business and they get their H.E.A. like they always should have. I hope Addison Jane write more stories in the Club Girl Diaries series cause I really miss those girls.
Nine Reasons (Royal Bastards MC: Sacramento) by Winter Travers
I love this series and have read all the books. Winter Travers is a great writer and her characters are amazing as proved again with Yule and Constance. This story was definitely fast paced and left on a cliffhanger that I hope she will finish in a full book cause I wanna know how it turns out. Yule is a nomad who had a chance to join the Royal Bastards MC but didn't want to give up the nomad life. Constance is a bartender at the clubs strip club and has sworn off men for life because of how she'd been hurt in the past. Yule shows up to check in with his friends as the Royal Bastards and is instantly smitten with Constance enough to change all her reasons for not dating and change his life even so they can be together if she just gives him a chance. The book left off with Yule changing everything about his life to try and make a go with Constance so I definitely need another story to tell me how it turns out.
Ten Minutes (Oath Keepers MC) by Sapphire Knight
I've read some of Sapphire Knight's books and I love them but I haven't gotten to the Oath Keepers MC yet. This was a very fast paced story about Spin the clubs tattoo artist and Naomi a pregnant woman he finds passed out in the road that was looking for help from the club. The club vows to give her protection like she was looking for and Naomi starts coming out of her shell while Spin is falling for her more and more. Naomi doesn't have a good history with men in her life so she is cautious but after her 3rd day at the club she never wants to leave. She found her home, family, and H.E.A. A good story overall I just wish it would have been longer.
Eleven Wishes (Satan's Descendants MC) by Geri Glenn
I've read some of Geri Glenn's work and I like her books. This story was very fast paced and I felt alot of stuff was left out that I wish wasn't. This story is about Cowboy who hasn't been with a woman in 3yrs since his divorce but falls for Josie at first site. Josie is a social worker that runs a local girls group home, whose friend takes her to her 1st biker bar for a night to let her let loose. That is where Cowboy and Josie meet. He takes her back to the clubhouse but in the morning she is gone and he has no idea where to find her. When he's assigned the job of driving Santa in the local Christmas parade he thinks it's the worst thing ever until he's in the parade and finally sees her again. They finally have a chance to get to know each other that doesn't include being under the sheets. Trouble happens with Lucy, a girl at the group home and Cowboy helps Josie sort it out and helps with Christmas as well. To me he's the perfect guy for her and I hope she realizes that. The story didn't say if they got their H.E.A. but I hope they did.
Twelve Beats Strong (Knights Corruption MC) by S. Nelson
This is my 1st S. Nelson's book and I'm still in the air with whether I liked it or not. There was alot of sadness and some joy. The story is about Hawk and Edana. In the beginning of their relationship Hawk was a typical biker and didn't realize Edana was his one until she was taken and scarred for life. Then he realized what he almost missed and has been making it up to her for 20 years, even leaving his club and family to be with her. This year they come back to the club though for Christmas and Hawk makes another decision he thought he'd never make. Don't want to give it away but they already got their H.E.A. before this book he just adds the cherry on top.
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RebelDevlin | Jan 3, 2023 |

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