Viz (disambiguation)

"Viz" is composed of at least 2 distinct authors, divided by their works.

About the Author

Includes the name: "Viz"

Author Division

Viz (1)

Viz Roger's profanisaurus (1997) 232 copies
The Sausage Sandwich (1991) 34 copies
The Bag of Slugs (2002) 31 copies
The Big Hard One (1987) 30 copies
Viz Book of Top Tips (1994) 23 copies
The Thick Repeater (2000) 17 copies
Viz Holiday Special (1988) 17 copies
TOP TIPS 2 (1995) 17 copies
The Big Bell End (1995) 17 copies
Viz: The Clown's Pie (2001) 14 copies
The Viz Book of Crap Jokes (1989) 13 copies
Viz on the Bone (1998) 13 copies
The Porky Chopper (1993) 13 copies
The Council Gritter 2010 (2009) 13 copies
The Turtle's Head (1996) 10 copies
Viz Letterbocks (1996) 10 copies
The Big Fat Slags Book (1994) 9 copies
Top of the Tips (Viz) (2010) 8 copies
The Joy of Sexism (1997) 8 copies
Wigwatching (2002) 4 copies
Viz Annual 4 copies
Viz 259 1 copy

Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
Two authors:
(1) Viz UK producers of Roger's Profanisaurus,
(2) "Viz Media", author of Sneak Peeks: a Japanese manga, anime and entertainment company.