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Rainn Wilson, best known for playing the uptight curmudgeon Dwight on The Office, is a very spiritual guy at his core. He started a company called Soul Pancake that produced feel good, spiritually focused content that Wilson couldn't sell to Hollywood. Soul Boom, his new book, makes the argument that we need a spiritual revolution in the world, one that pulls the foundational, shared lessons from all religions (ie, the Golden Rule and take care of the poor) and use them to craft something that gets beyond your god versus my god. I enjoyed it: Wilson has a freewheeling style of storytelling that makes his message more compelling. He himself is a lifelong Bahá'í, a relatively new religion that basically preaches what he writes about in this book. He demonstrates a wide ranging knowledge of the world's religions and their connections. It will be interesting to see if interest in Bahá'í grows as a result.

I have a copy of his memoir, The Bassoon King, on my shelf and am adding SoulPancake to my TBR. It was refreshing to read something upbeat and inclusive about religion and spirituality.
witchyrichy | Jun 9, 2023 |
Rainn Wilson is an impressive specimen.
How would I describe him?
Three words.
Hard-working, Alpha male. Jackhammer.
paarth7 | 12 other reviews | May 6, 2023 |
2.5 stars. I usually enjoy memoir read by the author. This one was okay. Like many memoirs, it's pretty uneven. Most people will probably find the chapter on Wilson's experience with The Office most interesting.
CarolHicksCase | 12 other reviews | Mar 12, 2023 |
With Rainn Wilson as the reader, this was a great one to do on audio. There were even a few guest appearances by Dwight Schrute.
It's not your typical Hollywood bio- Wilson talks a lot about faith and his unconventional childhood. I was surprised by the level of vulnerability in his writing, whether he was talking about the highs and lows of his acting career, or something personal, like his parents' divorce.
It's clear he has a deep love for acting and takes his work very much to heart. Listening to his stories made me like him more than I already did.

Harks | 12 other reviews | Dec 17, 2022 |
The Office ranks as one of my favorite re-watchable shows ever. This book not so much. If you are looking for extra tidbits about The Office in this book, you will find some tidbits. I would recommend you just read the forward by Dwight Schrute and the couple small chapters about the Office near the end. Most of this book is about the Bassoon King, Rainn Wilson.

wellington299 | 12 other reviews | Feb 19, 2022 |
nonfiction/memoir (actor Rainn Wilson best known from "The Office")
not as funny as other comedic writers (the middle section was a little dry, a little bit droning on and on, so my easily distractable mind would frequently zone out), but he has some interesting stories from his unconventional childhood and also spends some time expounding on what he's doing with Soul Pancake (digital entertainment company that gave Kid President a TV show), as well as important social issues in Haiti, etc. He also talks about spirituality for quite a while (his own journey from his parents' B'Hai faith to his own understanding of the world), but it doesn't come off as too preachy--he's just offering his thoughts for consideration.
reader1009 | 12 other reviews | Jul 3, 2021 |
As a longtime fan of The Office (and I still need to finish, but guys, Season 8 was ROUGH), I enjoy hearing the stories that have been trickling in. Last month, my husband and I took a roadtrip and started this audiobook. And now, over Spring Break, we finished!

This is an interesting book with insights, thoughts on faith, and, yes, dish on The Office. I highly recommend the audio version. Wilson is an excellent and hilarious narrator.
DrFuriosa | 12 other reviews | Dec 4, 2020 |
This is a fairly well-written memoir, but it seemed rather hard to read from time to time. While he does have self-deprecating humor, he does also attack other people, for instance his mention of Mindy Kaling in this book felt particularly harsh. However, all in all it had good stories and lessons that teach perseverance can lead to you following your dreams.
drorange32 | 12 other reviews | May 22, 2020 |
My review of this book can be found on my Youtube Vlog at:

booklover3258 | 12 other reviews | Apr 13, 2020 |
He's a good writer. Unlike many comedians and actors, his writing is funny as well. The first 75% was interesting. The last part, which focused on the development of the Soul Pancake "brand", read more like an infomercial.
grandpahobo | 12 other reviews | Sep 26, 2019 |
Part cheeky nerd and part soul searching struggling artist. If you like Dwight...
Bricker | 12 other reviews | Mar 8, 2018 |
"SoulPancake"- "La panacea dell'anima". Anima o animo? La panacea? Cos'è? Un anti-libro, un iper-libro, un non-libro, per guarire tutti i mali. Ecco, sto cercando di recensire un libro che libro non è, ma che può essere tutto questo ed altro. Dopo di averlo visto e rivisto online, me lo sono fatto arrivare in versione cartacea da Amazon in poche ore da Los Angeles, California. Nella presentazione si dice, (sta scritto letteralmente), è stato "handycrafted" - "fatto a mano". Dopo di averlo confezionato in "bits & bytes" online.

Di cosa parla? Di tutto. Di filosofia, creatività , spiritualità, amore, verità, scienza e molto altro ancora. Il libro vuole stimolare il cervello, accendere il nostro animo, senza trascurare l'anima. Tutto per farci capire che significa essere "umani". Chi ha poca dimestichezza con la lingua inglese avrà qualche difficoltà ad afferrare il senso del libro. Cercherò di fare il possibile per far comprenderlo. Ne vale la pena, specialmente per chi ama le novità legate alla creatività.

Ve l'ho detto. Parla di tutto e di niente, il che è sempre incluso nel tutto. Ruota intorno a 180 domande alle quali 90 artisti di tutti i continenti hanno cercato di dare una risposta, non solo a parole, ma anche, e sopratutto, graficamente. Ci sono pure tracce italiane in questo crogiolo artistico che sta tra la follia e la creatività. Se avete tra le mani il libro vi ci perderete. Pensate di sfogliare un testo tradizionale ed invece vi accorgerete di trovarvi in una selva di immagini, disegni, grafici, simboli, illustrazioni, pagine bianche da scrivere, questionari, che stanno tra il surreale e il reale, l'onirico e il materiale.

"Come stabilisci quello che secondo te è la verità?"
Se sfogliate il libro online, avrete la possibilità di navigare tra suoni e video, un viaggio psichedelico che non ha un punto di partenza, né di arrivo. Navigare nel sito poi è addirittura allucinante. Nove sono le categorie: il cervello e l'anima/o; l'arte e la creatività; le esperienze e le emozioni; l'amore, il sesso e le relazioni; i vizi e le virtù; l'introspezione, la riflessione e l'identità; Dio e la religione; la vita e la morte. Vi pare poco? Un susseguirsi di citazioni, fatti, disegni, manipolazioni grafiche, effetti visivi, il tutto per dare movimento e dinamicità alla lettura, stimoli al cervello di chi legge. Il povero lettore resta spiazzato, spinto com'è a lasciare il tradizionale modo di leggere. Viene sollecitato a dire, pensare, scrivere, creare, domandare e domandarsi, riflettere, dare delle risposte. Innumerevoli attività che aprono gli occhi del lettore, estendono la mente attraverso esercizi, liste di cose da fare, fatti divertenti, azioni futili, considerazioni inaspettate.

"Cos'è secondo te ciò che è giusto o sbagliato?"
Ne scelgo una che riguarda noi Italiani. Viene riportata una frase del grande regista e attore americano Orson Welles su di noi. Egli ha detto a proposito della creatività: "In Italia, per cinquanta anni sotto il governo dei Borgia, ci furono guerre, terrore, assassinii, fiumi di sangue, ma anche Michelangelo, Leonardo e il Rinascimento. In Svizzera, una grande fratellanza sociale per oltre cinquecento anni di democrazia e pace. Ma cosa produssero? L'orologio a cucù!". E poi ancora a proposito di Michelangelo si dice che questo Italiano credeva che ci fosse una statua che lo aspettava in ogni pezzo di marmo. Un discorso che vale per la scultura, ma può essere riferito alla poesia e ad ogni altra forma d'arte. A proposito di religione viene riportata una frase come questa: "Se parliamo a Dio, stiamo pregando. Se è Dio a parlarci, abbiamo le allucinazioni".

"In che modo i pensieri influiscono sulla realtà?"
Un libro che va letto con gli occhi chiusi, proprio così dice l'autore alla fine della sua lunga introduzione al libro. Egli ripercorre a grandi linee il suo percorso familiare, formativo, culturale, sociale ed umano. Grandi esperienze vissute intensamente, sia in maniera orizzontale che verticale. La famiglia, la fanciullezza, la scuola, la passione per il teatro, l'alcol, le erbe e le polverine, la musica, la religione, anzi le varie religioni intese come ricerca e conferma di spiritualità soggettiva e non imposta da dogmi esterni. Tutto deve nascere dalla persona, dai suoi bisogni individuali e soggettivi, verso una ben precisa trascendenza che dia fiducia e riferimenti per l'esplorazione del mondo in tutte le sue forme e manifestazioni. Da qui nascono le esperienze del web trasferite su un sito che è in continuo movimento e divenire. Stampate poi nel libro che le ferma nello spazio e nel tempo.

"Il ritratto di te stesso"
Un libro, dicevo, che va letto "random", "a caso", in maniera diversa dalla tradizionale lettura. Interrogativi, aforismi, citazioni, spazi bianchi da riempire, allitterazioni, uscite laterali con le quali il lettore potrà rientrare in se stesso, chiudere gli occhi, abbandonare le pagine del libro e cavalcare la sua fantasia, ricreando, immaginando, trasferendo se stesso e il proprio io altrove, spesso "oltre l'oltre", "beyond the beyond", come lui stesso suggerisce. Tutto questo fa di questo libro l'anti-libro, un non-libro. Il lettore, ogni qualvolta lo prenderà in mano, avrà la sensazione di ricominciare un viaggio e la sensazione che sarà lui ad avere scritto il libro e non l'autore. Non vi pare questa una cosa del tutto nuova? Buona lettura, quindi. Anzi, buona creazione del vostro libro .....
AntonioGallo | 3 other reviews | Nov 2, 2017 |
Clever but not precious autobiography by a truly original thinker. Humble and self-deprecating yet also searingly honest, Wilson is a delight. His quick wit and offbeat perspective is familiar to folks who follow him on Twitter, but so rarely do those bite-size observations translate into book-length coherency -- yet Wilson more than pulls it off. The chapters on _The Office_ are a must-read for any fans of that show, but the book goes far beyond and beneath Wilson's most famous character. I hope he writes another one! And I hope Mindy Kaling writes the forward!
jenspirko | 12 other reviews | Apr 6, 2016 |
When I read a celebrity biography/memoir, I'm happy to just get to hear about their upbringing, how they found success, and fun stories from their lives as celebrities. It helps when said celebrity is on a show I love, The Office, and I get to hear insights into the show. THE BASSOON KING did all of those things well and Rainn Wilson can tell a really good story. The book brought some much more, though, that I didn't even expect. Wilson looks at faith, art, love, and honesty and how those qualities are all entwined into a single being and he writes about how he is always delving deeper into how they all work together as one soul. He approached most things in his life with a passion and commitment and with patience, a lot of failure, and with a wonderfully supportive spouse, he found his way to LA, The Office, and the remarkable life he gets to lead now.
Coupled with a lot of spirituality and self-discovery, I also found myself laughing out loud often. From his vagabond youth, to his years living the seedy life of a struggling actor, to making it as a celebrity, Wilson has some great stories to tell. He has a knack for opening up the mind of the reader with a profound thought, be it an acting discovery, a faith-based challenge, or finding love, then dropping some sort of self-depreciating humor to balance the seriousness.
THE BASSOON KING is a fun read that will give the reader more than expected and I suggest it to everyone.
EHoward29 | 12 other reviews | Mar 20, 2016 |
105 pages in and I'm throwing in the towel on this one.

I enjoyed reading about Wilson's experiences in the Baha'i Faith, and I relate to his culture shock transferring from an average public high school to a tony one (although he had a very different experience of Model UN than I did).

But the lists of sitcom sidekicks of the 70's and alt-rock albums of the 80's didn't really do it for me. Nor did his periodically writing in the voice of Dwight Schrute. Maybe if I'd hung out with the drama kids more in high school and college this would seem more amusing to me. Instead, it just feels distancing.
ImperfectCJ | 12 other reviews | Jan 28, 2016 |
I'm a fan of Soul Pancake (the website) so it should be no surprise that I liked the book as well. I picked it up at the library though and realized pretty quickly that it is something I'd much rather own than borrow, as it invites interaction (and perhaps some doodling in the margins). It is the kind of book that you get as much out of as you put into it. Both funny and serious, both light and deep. And oh, Rainn Wilson ... which is never a bad thing.
laurustina | 3 other reviews | Jan 14, 2015 |
I love this is full of exercises and questions to get your mind going. I will never stop reading this book and the website is wonderful as well. If you want to read something that will stimulate your mind and help you with life's questions then read this. Love love love
DianaLynn5287 | 3 other reviews | Jun 21, 2013 |
E.J | 3 other reviews | Apr 3, 2013 |
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