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Author of Addicted

49+ Works 4,071 Members 72 Reviews 11 Favorited


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I love the commercial breaks, the midgets with the huge
ninalehman17 | 1 other review | Jan 23, 2023 |
Review of eBook

When she was fifteen, Noelle Mitchell ran away from home with her boyfriend, Reno, leaving her baby sister, Carolyn, her mother, and her father behind. She’s been gone for thirteen years and, in all that time, no one in her family has heard anything from her. Today, intent on apologizing for her actions all those years ago, she’s coming home.

When she returns, determined to explain, will she be welcomed? Will her explanation bring her family together again?


This short story focuses on the Mitchell family: mother father, married daughter, Carolyn, her husband, Sam, and their daughter, Noelle. When long-missing daughter Noelle arrives on their doorstep on Christmas day, it’s clear that there are still some hard feelings about her abrupt disappearance some thirteen years earlier.

But this story is less about the characters and more about the message: family, forgiveness, and love. It’s bittersweet yet heartfelt; readers will find much to appreciate here.

Although the story neatly ties up the plot points, readers are likely to find themselves wishing there was more to the story. After all, everyone wishes to know what happens next!

jfe16 | 6 other reviews | Apr 21, 2022 |
I was gifted a copy of this book by a friend. I had high hopes of liking it because I had seen the movie and everyone knows books are better than movies right? Even with as many issues that I had with the movie, the book issues were more in my face which was disheartening because I REALLY had wanted to like this book.

I struggled with several parts of this book. Was the premise good? Absolutely! Which makes my disappointment that much greater. However, I never fully got on bard to Zoe being a sex addict as to the reason that she cheated on Jason. Nor did it make sense why she kept the relationship with Jason for all the years that she did. Even though marriages aren't just about sex or intimacy, it is a much-needed component in marriage because otherwise, you are just roommates. Needs need to be met. I wouldn't have held on to a relationship if I was just so unhappy. So the settling thing bothered me and a sex addict would have been looking for that desire to be fixed long before it had gotten to this point. Add in there are only three people besides Jason that she acted on this with. That isn't a sex addict. It was more like a woman trying to find comfort in touch from something that she was missing in her life. I think if the author had gone in that direction instead of a sex-addict stemming from something from Zoe's past it would have lent more credibility.

The writing at times felt juvenile or "hood" like and I hate even saying that as it is so derogatory but it is the only way that I can attribute it because it reminds me of the summers of my early twenties at barbeques with my best friend at her Aunt Ruby's house. It is what Danika would have called the way that she talked to her family and friends. It is not meant derogatory in the least, nor is it based on color. For people, like myself, that have seen the movie before the book, there are some big differences in what was kept. The relationship with Diamond was not even included and that surprised me since in the book she is one of the things selling the whole "Zoe is a sex addict" thing.

There was soooooo much drama that was over the top that I struggled with. There were parts that didn't need to be there and others that didn't even enhance the story. All in all, I am just frustrated because even though the movie was not my favorite thing, it sure gave me something to feast my eyes on even if I struggled with the plot. I am sad that this gift was$12.99 for an ebook. AN EBOOK. I am even sadder that other amazing books out there don't have the chance this book had by being made into a movie. I appreciate the author and her hard work but this was not my cup of tea.
MagicalRi | 19 other reviews | Feb 24, 2022 |
One of many writing books I read over three months. A bit too basic for me, but maybe not for you!
Jon_Hansen | Nov 14, 2021 |
I suppose this is where you color me a book snob. I don't like Jane Austen books. I don't like "urban" books either. It seems no matter how many I try to read, I've yet to find one in which I can immerse myself. They slang and curse words feel forced and overused. The slang isn't particularly descriptive, and make it very hard to connect with the characters. They seem to be all attitude--style without substance. There's too much time spent on descriptions of skin color, hair texture, and eye color. (Which, oddly enough, seem to play up the colorism still rampant in the Black community.)

I really enjoyed the movie Addicted, so I was looking forward to reading the book. I was hoping the encounters would be frequent, sexier, and more time would be spent exploring why Zoe was a sex addict. (Why do addicts become addicts? They are trying to fill a hole of need, emptiness, or escape from a trauma. In the movie, they didn't do the best job of explaining why Zoe was craving so much.) But the book left me with a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. It seemed hateful toward women, men, and anyone with sexual desire. I can't escape into a novel--erotic, romantic or even realistic--where there is not one person I can sympathize with.

The two positives to the story were the ride-or-die friendship between Brina and Zoe and how swiftly the book moved once it got past the early days of Zoe and Jason.
RakishaBPL | 19 other reviews | Sep 24, 2021 |
This is probably good, especially with a review score of 4, but those voice that the narrator Nicole Small applied to the characters - couldn't take it. If it were a movie, no problem, but on an audiobook, my preference is to keep a lid on too exaggerated voices - even if they mimic a reality. Was also made impatient by the chronological storytelling. Otherwise, there was cleverness in the storytelling, but ultimately I couldn't keep going past 40 mins, or Chapter 2, of an 8 part audiobook.½
Okies | 19 other reviews | Sep 12, 2021 |
This is a really short story, however it contains so much emotion in it, that it will make you cry!!
GeorgiaKo | 6 other reviews | Dec 1, 2020 |
i read this book back in 2001. i really liked the book as far as i can remember it has been 18 years so i dont remember much but i do remember i liked the book better than the movie, as well as it was my first Zane book
leannaz | 19 other reviews | May 24, 2018 |
Full of sex and scadal and written slightly better than "50 Shades of Grey" this erotica would have appealed to me more had there not been copious amounts of cheating and ridiculous plot twists at the end. On the surface Zoe has the perfect life: an adoring husband, a great job, a huge house, and wonderful kids. She loves her husband but their sex life is very lacking. From an early age Zoe was fascinated with sex, she couldn't wait to do it. She finally lost her virginity to her childhood sweatheart (now husband) and has always been faithful (yet unfulfilled) until she meets a young artist who sweeps her off her feet and and into the bedroom. She doesn't love him, but for the first time in her life her sexual needs are being met. Soon she gets another lover, and then another. And she realizes that her addiction to sex is spiraling out of control. She loves her husband, but she loves sex too. Zoe decides to finally get help, but from there things only get more complicated. The end is a little much, but I still want to see the movie adaptation of it.
ecataldi | 19 other reviews | Feb 6, 2017 |
2.5 stars

This book was pretty crazy. Several of the things didn't make sense to me. Cause and effect and real world definitions don't exactly line up, but the entertainment factor is high. It wasn't quite my thing, but if you like a lot of sex and drama, you should definitely check it out.
ToniFGMAMTC | 19 other reviews | Jan 19, 2017 |
2.5 stars

This book was pretty crazy. Several of the things didn't make sense to me. Cause and effect and real world definitions don't exactly line up, but the entertainment factor is high. It wasn't quite my thing, but if you like a lot of sex and drama, you should definitely check it out.
ToniFGMAMTC | 19 other reviews | Jan 19, 2017 |
fun. shady. sexy. even evil sometimes. i love it!
jordanakaforever | 3 other reviews | Jan 13, 2017 |
I gotta say it was well written and the ending is was amazing.
jordanakaforever | 4 other reviews | Jan 13, 2017 |
amazing book way better than the movie this is my second time reading.
jordanakaforever | 19 other reviews | Jan 13, 2017 |
I am still in shock over the fact that I cried during this "short" did I say really "short" story. It was cute, sweet, but, left me needing more. I think it would be an awesome story to tell if there was more about her struggles. Cute, sweet, but, just a little too short.
Angel.Carter | 6 other reviews | Aug 11, 2016 |
This is the first book I have read by Zane and I found it thoroughly entertaining. The story was fast paced and compelling. The plot was totally believable and it flowed very nicely between the past and the present. Normally, I am not a fan of the past interwoven with the present because the author does not take enough care to weave the two together properly; yet, it so worked with Vengeance.

The story is about a young teenage girl, Caprice, who is brutally raped by a group of friends. Caprice escapes from Atlanta, where she is living at the time, in order to put the incident behind her. She ends up in New York City where, by chance, she meets Richard Sterling a billionaire. Richard adopts Caprice and helps her transform into Wicket a wildly successful songwriter and entertainer. Years later Wicket decides to take revenge on the people who raped her. Revenge is best when served cold… or not?

Wicket, aka LaDonna, has lots of issues that need to be resolved before she can truly move on with her life. She feels that moving back to Atlanta, to exact revenge, will help her achieve some closure. Her father, Richard, knows her better than she thinks and feels this move is going to be trouble. Therefore, he insists on her having therapy with Dr. Marcella to work through the anger she is carrying. Wicket is sitting precariously on the edge of a cliff between good and evil. The question is will she find a way to let go of the past before it and her retribution destroys her.

I received a copy of this book in a giveaway from Off The Shelf. As with any giveaway, I am presenting you with my honest review of the book.
purpledog | 2 other reviews | Jul 18, 2016 |
Super megastar Wicket suffers from Intermittent Explosive Disorder. From early childhood, the deck was stacked against Caprice Tatum, from a mentally ill mom to a violent childhood rape, Caprice's life has not been filled with grief. When luck finally turns her way in the form of Richard Sterling, she manifests a new destiny as rockstar Wicket, but now she's returned to Atlanta, where everything began to seek vengeance against those who "done her wrong."

Typically I am not a fan of urban fiction; however, I've read a number of novels by Zane and because they are so different from what I would normally read, I end up zipping through them and enjoying them although her writing style is sometimes inconsistent. For me, it's jumping into another world that I have never experienced and to which I never want to experience.
phoenixcomet | 2 other reviews | Jun 29, 2016 |
This book here! One of the things that I love about this book, along with Nervous and Addicted, is that Zane addresses an all too real topic, and you learn something.

Vengeance is hot, spicy, full of drama, and revenge. I was caught up on the first page, and I planned to read a couple chapters, and then go to bed. I looked up hours later, the sun was almost up, and I was finished with the book. I love it when I read a book and it takes me through a myriad of emotions, and this is THAT book. I laughed, cried, cussed (a lot), and I learned a few things about mental illness as well. To me, that is what reading should be about.

In typical Zane fashion, the sex is off the chain hot, and will have you sitting there with your mouth stuck open, lol. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone and also for a book club discussion!
Kiera_loves_books | 2 other reviews | May 24, 2016 |
My second reading of my introduction to Zane's pen skills left me feeling like I've never read it before. It's like hypnosis trying to remember a repressed memory. My emotions were all over the place and I came to realize Zoe isn't so fictional anymore. Each page felt like her diary being revealed giving you every raw feeling, straight with no chaser. No room was left to ask why. Zoe put her cards on the table from jump telling trusted, non-judgmental ears 'I have a problem. I need help before I destroy me'. We take the obvious from the story but only those who look deeper get it all.
Stephanie.Wilkerson | 19 other reviews | Mar 25, 2016 |
Nobody reads Zane for literary quality. This was strictly a bon-bon after wrapping up a hectic month at work.
Salsabrarian | 4 other reviews | Feb 2, 2016 |
I only got up to chapter 7 in this book because my husband a I got into an argument and he thru it out the window, when I get it again I will finish it because I was good so far! Lol.....Finished the book and I was kind of anticipating the ending.
JerseyGirl21 | 4 other reviews | Jan 24, 2016 |
This was sex, suspense and mystery all wrapped up in one. :)
JerseyGirl21 | 19 other reviews | Jan 24, 2016 |
Toxic relationships, totally my life.
faerychikk | 4 other reviews | Jan 5, 2016 |
Toxic relationships, totally my life.
faerychikk | 4 other reviews | Jan 5, 2016 |
This is a short story with high climax and rushed peaceful ending. It tells about mistakes done in early youth and the day when you face them to be forgiven.
ilonita50 | 6 other reviews | Sep 23, 2015 |
Showing 1-25 of 71