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Includes the name: Mian Mohsin Zia

Works by Mian Mohsin


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Free on Kindle. Spoilers. This is an odd book. The main character is an author who doesn't write about love, but then he goes on vacation, meets a woman, and decides to write about love. He copies her for the female lead and doesn't realize he is falling in love with her until it is too late.
1 vote
franoscar | 3 other reviews | Dec 25, 2013 |
Original post here:

The Strange Loyalist follows a man named Mike who is starting his first year of grad school. He got accepted into SOS, School of Scholars. He is very happy to know that his hard work has paid off given that they only accept 125 students. But Mike's excitement quickly wears off when he realizes the school isn't all it is cracked up to be. Mike sees he is surrounded by people who are are willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead. The same thing goes for the teachers. Things take a huge turn for Mike when his favorite teacher's son dies and his relationship with the teacher grows. They become family and many don't approve including those he is close to.

I hated and loved this book. Mike was a good character to follow He was very smart and helpful. But his helpfulness worked against him since he makes “friends” with people who have no problem using him. Not only are the students of questionable characters, but the teachers are also questionable. They discriminate against the students. There seem to be some who favor the female students over the male students. I did like through all the adversity Mike went through, he had Madam Shirley. She was there for him when no one listened to him (beside Marlboro). They become like best friends despite their age differences. Madam Shirley was such a sweet woman and I loved how she was there for Mike. Well, how they were there for each other, specifically after Madam Shirley's son, Adam, commits suicide.

The plot quickly changes after Adam's death and Christmas break She starts to treat him differently and just starts acting differently toward Mike. There is a wedge between the two of them even though Mike has been there for Shirley even after she was sick. An even bigger twist occurs when tragedy also strikes Shirley and Mike ends up in jail for it. Mike takes a turn for the worst and he does whatever it takes to make things right.

I won't lie, there was a point in this book I got really pissed. Be prepared for a few complaints. When Mike goes to jail, there were just little things that were done that didn't make sense to me. Then when he was released from jail, it makes even less sense. As much as I liked the “brother-sister” relationship between Mike and Shirley, I don't understand why Mike didn't fight for his real family. He could have at least tell them what happened and while in jail, they could have done some investigation. Why not fight for your real family that raised you? Then when he leaves, he meets his friends from before going to jail. They are so happy to see him and they say they miss him. But none of them ever visited him in jail. No one did except for someone who knows he is innocent and suddenly wants to help. Why didn't they do more as well? It makes no sense. Then the biggest thing was that Mike did something very extreme to one of the teachers for doing something quite rude. I didn't like that like specifically because it could have been avoided. I love how dark the book was though and the teacher was scum, but that was uncalled for. It just seem sudden and a bit out of character since Mike still worries about being rude and impolite to people.

Overall, I did enjoy this book. The last few chapters were amazing and I didn't see that coming. While the reason why Mike gets sent to jail also made me mad (seriously, this is why talking is so important). I really loved the visit to Russia. I would have liked it if the book was set here longer because we meet Tatiana and I really liked her. This book was well written although some of the dialogue was a tad bit formal. I was screaming at the book in the middle, but it did make me happy in the end. Zia's style definitely gives a little twist to the average revenge story and I was glad to have read this. I would recommend this.
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harleyquinn0887 | Dec 24, 2012 |
Original post here:

Victim of Shame is a tragic story about a man named Ryan Campbell. Ryan has done something that has ruined the life of another - his wife Sarah. Something horrible happened in his life and that one accident changed him for the worst. He writes about women's rights, but it is a way to relieve his overwhelming guilt. He is trying to redeem himself for what he has done, but it seems someone might do that for him.

I enjoyed this read a lot. I don't like this more than Once though. While it does have a few similarities, I found that world to be a bit more believable. Our main character Ryan drove me nuts. He was good at first, but he was a downright jerk most of this book. His attitude sometimes was just awful and for no particular reason. Take his job hunting for example. He “resigned” from his job and needed a new one soon or else he would be homeless. When he does get the call, his reaction was just so insipid and sort of clipped with his answers. He didn't care that he not only got a job, but a new apartment. But just the day before he was anxious about the new job and always running to the phone when it rang. Where did the attitude come from? Why isn't he happy that his life is getting better? Just doesn't make any sense.

Kim was Ryan's fiancee who treated him like crap after his accident. This was something I also thought was so weird. They were going to get married in a couple of days and his accident instantly switches her b**** mode on. Her and her new fiancee force Ryan out of work and leave him behind. How can someone go so soulless in less than a week? Then again, I think Zia did that on purpose to show how easy it is to go over the edge. But one character I did love was Maria. She was so full of wisdom and spirit. She instantly put a smile on my face. I really liked Sarah as well. I wish we got more of her specifically before the incident.

The story was very emotional and heavy. Ryan suffers from the accident he had. He is now impotent and can't have children. His fiancee pretty much kicks him aside and insults him and his manhood. Ryan no can't trust women. In fact, he hates them. His hate grows and grows unless he is talking to Maria. His hate gets him to do something truly despicable. He humiliates Sarah and she might be beyond repair. Ryan is trying desperately to get rid of his guilt and to change his views.

Now I do have complaints about this book. As I said before, the attitudes were just awful. Another thing was that the book does get a tad bit preachy specifically about religions. There were times when religion was thrown and it didn't seem to fit. For instance, Maria approaches Ryan at his new job about covering a story about a girl who has been mutilated. Ryan asked her why she is helping when the girl is Christian and she is Muslim. How is that a relevant question? Maria isn't a heartless woman. Why would did he have to ask that? Then there was how Ryan was talking about how boisterous Sarah was before they were together, But he never took the time out to get to know her before everything happened. He was very rude towards her, so that didn't make sense. Then there was what had happened after the accident. Ryan never asks about the other people that were in the accident as well. Are they okay? Who were they? I have no idea and I would have liked to have known that.

Overall, I did enjoy this book a lot. It was very human, but it had its moments where it straddled the line of being angry and being downright soulless. Ryan was a hard character to like and a hard character to hate. But as I said, he was very human. I was very invested in this story. The journey was amazing. It was full of sadness, anger, guilt, redemption, and forgiveness. This is a read that will stick with me especially the end. The book was beautifully written and I loved the scene at the end between Ryan and Sarah. I am very happy I read this. I definitely recommend it.
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harleyquinn0887 | 1 other review | Nov 30, 2012 |



½ 4.5