Eventspoor relief

Works (47)

An account of the general dispensary for relief of the poor. Instituted 1770 by London Royal General Dispensary
Agrarian capitalism and poor relief in England, 1500-1860 : rethinking the origins of the welfare state by Larry Patriquin
Aspects of poor relief in Colonial Virginia by Linda Ford Wendel
Bristol Corporation of the Poor, 1696-1898 by E. E. Butcher
Comparison of the application of poor relief in Scotland and England post 1845 by Mary Owens
Cultures of charity : women, politics, and the reform of poor relief in Renaissance Italy by Nicholas Terpstra
The Danish poor relief system : an example for England by Edith Sellers
The Early History of English Poor Relief by E. M. Leonard
Financing Poor Relief through Charitable Collections in Dutch Towns, c. 1600-1800 (Amsterdam Studies in the Dutch Golden Age) by Daniëlle Teeuwen
The first century of welfare : poverty and poor relief in Lancashire, 1620-1730 by Jonathan Healey
The geography of poor relief in rural Oxfordshire 1775-1834 by John Langton
Health Care and Poor Relief in 18th and 19th Century Northern Europe (The History of Medicine in Context) by Ole Peter Grell
Health care and poor relief in 18th and 19th century southern Europe
Health Care and Poor Relief in Counter-Reformation Europe by Jon Arrizabalaga
Health care and poor relief in Protestant Europe, 1500-1700 by Andrew Cunningham
History of poor relief legislation in Pennsylvania, 1682-1913 by William Clinton Heffner
The history of public poor relief in Massachusetts, 1620-1920 by Robert Wilson Kelso
Kindesunterhalt in England : vom Poor Relief Act 1598 zum Child Support Act 1991 by Marko Oldenburger
On the parish? : the micro-politics of poor relief in rural England c.1550-1750 by Steve Hindle
Partners With the Poor: An Emerging Approach to Relief and Development by Jerry Aaker
Paupers and poor relief in New York City and its rural environs, 1700-1830 by Robert E. Cray
Paupers Progress.From Poor relief to Old Age Pension by Joe Harris
Paupers, Poor Relief & Poor Houses in Western Australia 1829 - 1910 by Penelope Hetherington
The Political and Social Dynamics of Poverty, Poor Relief and Health Care in Early-Modern Portugal by Laurinda Abreu
Poor Relief and Charity, 1869-1945: The London Charity Organisation Society by Robert Humphreys
Poor Relief and Community in Hadleigh, Suffolk 1547-1600 (Studies in Regional and Local History)
Poor Relief and Welfare in Germany from the Reformation to World War I by Larry Frohman
Poor Relief in Devon: Two Studies by Susannah Wheeleker
Poor relief in Durham, Lee, and Madbury, New Hampshire, 1732-1891 by Timothy Dodge
Poor Relief in Elizabethan Ipswich (Suffolk Records Society) by John Webb
Poor Relief in England and Wales, 1601-1834 by Geoffrey W. Oxley
Poor Relief in England, 1350-1600 by Marjorie Keniston McIntosh
Poor Relief in Ireland, 1851-1914 by Mel Cousins
Poor Relief in Scotland : historical background document extracts and copies
Poor relief or poor deal? : the social fund, safety nets, and social security by Trevor Buck
Poor relief records Inverness Burgh : an examination of a General Register of Poor 1878-1883 by Alison Young
Poor-relief in the sixteenth century by Carl R. Steinbicker
Potato Famine, Poor Relief and a Pauper's Grave by Linda Kaden
Public poor relief in America, 1790-1860 (Social problems and social policy--the American experience) by Benjamin Joseph Klebaner
Public poor relief in North Carolina by Roy M. Brown
The reformation of charity : the secular and the religious in early modern poor relief by Thomas Max Safley
The Social Meaning of Money: Pin Money, Paychecks, Poor Relief, and Other Currencies by Viviana A. Zelizer
Society and pauperism: English ideas on poor relief, 1795-1834 by J. R. Poynter
State tax relief for the poor by Steven David Gold
Treasurers collections for account of Overseers of the Poor (Out-door relief) by Commonwealth of Massachusetts
A Treatise of the Laws for the Relief and Settlement of the Poor by Michael Nolan
Uses of Charity: The Poor on Relief in the 19th Century Metropolis by Peter Mandler