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Eat So What! the Power of Vegetarianism
A vegetarian diet can protect you from many diseases, it adds valuable and healthy years to your life. Plant-based healthy vegetarian foods can be the solution to most of our daily health problems. Many diseases can be prevented with Food Therapy. Understand Your Food Scientifically With Eat So What! The Power of Vegetarianism, learn Why is every nutrient important? How you can get maximum health benefits from nutrients. What are the right types of nutrients for you? How can even nutrients be harmful if their right type and right quantity are not chosen? No Supplements! All Natural When you include the right nutrients in the right amount in your diet, you don't need supplements. Learn how you can practice vegetarianism all naturally without any man-made supplements. Learn how you can prevent anemia, vitamin B12, and protein deficiency with vegetarian foods naturally. Now you no longer need to depend on man-made dietary supplements. Get rid of nutritional deficiencies Eat so what! The Power of Vegetarianism is the nutrition guide for weight loss, disease-free, drug-free, and healthy long life. This Nutrition guide discusses the following topics in detail: What are Nutrients? Why are they so important? What are the health benefits of being vegetarian? Why you should eat more protein every day. What are the high protein sources for vegetarians? Truth About Fats! Why fat is not the enemy. Why you should never give up carbohydrates. What are the right types of carbohydrates and fats that you should eat every day for health benefits? How to prevent anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency while being a vegetarian. Additionally, find some healthy and tasty vegetarian recipes with Eat So What! The Power of Vegetarianism
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LaFonceur (Author)
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