Early Reviewers

The Pope's Assassin
Series: Vatican Series (3)
In Iznik, Turkey, a controversial historian finds a set of church scrolls dating back to 325 AD and the First Council of Nicaea, the ancient name of the city of Iznik. It is the greatest discovery of all time, and possibly a threat to the best kept secret of the Catholic Church. But before he can study the scrolls closely, the historian is found dead. There is no evidence of a crime and the Turkish authorities believe it to be a natural death of old age. Rafael, the priest/assassin from the THE LAST POPE and HOLY BULLET, arrives in Iznik a few days later. Suspicious about what the historian may have uncovered, Rafael has been sent to investigate the old man’s death. He is attacked in the very church where the scrolls were found. Rafael escapes, fatally wounding his attacker. But just before dying, the assailant mumbles a name: Sarah. Rafael knows that this time, he has to keep Sarah out of this. There are signs that the Vatican’s crime boss JC (also of THE LAST POPE and HOLY BULLET) is involved. A fast‐paced, full‐throttle, and very provocative adventure begins. On one side: an organization to which Rafael belongs and that he swore to defend; on the other side, a female journalist who maintains her relentless quest for the truth above everything, no matter who it might hurt. What is the secret the Church has vowed to protect at all costs? Transmitted only from successor to successor, the Holy Father is the only one who has the key to open the personal library where they keep a critical 16th century document related to the Council of Nicaea—the first thing a Pope reads when he is elected.
Suspense & Thriller, Fiction and Literature
Offered by
Putnam Books (Publisher)
(User: PutnamBooks)
February 2011
Starts: 2011-02-07
Ended: 2011-02-28
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