Early Reviewers

Long Island Noir
Kaylie Jones (Editor, Contribution by), Matthew McGevna (Contribution by), Nick Mamatas (Contribution by), Qanta Ahmed (Contribution by), Charles Salzberg (Contribution by), Reed Farrel Coleman (Contribution by), Tim McLoughlin (Contribution by), Sarah Weinman (Contribution by), Jules Feiffer (Contribution by), J. Z. Holden (Contribution by), Richie Narvaez (Contribution by), Sheila Kohler (Contribution by), Jane Ciabattari (Contribution by), Steven Wishnia (Contribution by), Kenneth Wishnia (Contribution by), Amani Scipio (Contribution by), Tim Tomlinson (Contribution by)
Series: Akashic Noir
Stories covering Long Island's extremes, from the comfortable rich to the horrible porr, and all the darkness between Original stories by: Jules Feiffer, Matthew McGevna, Nick Mamatas, Kaylie Jones, Qanta Ahmed, Charles Salzberg, Reed Farrel Coleman, Tim McLoughlin, Sarah Weinman, JZ Holden, Richie Narvaez, Sheila Kohler, Jane Ciabattari, Steven Wishnia, Kenneth Wishnia, Amani Scipio, and Tim Tomlinson. Launched with the summer '04 award-winning best seller Brooklyn Noir, Akashic Books continues its groundbreaking series of original noir anthologies. Each book is comprised of all-new stories, each one set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the geographical area of the book. KAYLIE JONES, JULES FEIFFER, REED FARREL COLEMAN, SHEILA KOHLER, and others reveal how Long Island has always been a playground for the rich and famous--and while it used to be that only a select few could afford it, now everyone wants a piece of the pie. The McMansions pop up like mushrooms, limiting resources and destroying an already taxed environment. It feels a little like Rome in its last days--a kind of collective amnesia and blindness to the outside world has taken over. Everyone knows this, but no one wants to do anything about it, because big money is being spent--and made. And as the rich grow richer, the poor grow poorer and more disenfranchised; and greed only breeds more greed and violence. These stories cover the range of Long Island's extremes, from the comfortably rich, to the horribly poor--people pushed to desperate acts in order to protect what they already have, or to try to take what they don't from those who do. FROM THE INTRODUCTION, BY KAYLIE JONES: "F. Scott Fitzgerald's mansions of Great Neck and Little Neck are still there, lording imposingly over their lesser neighbors. The American dream of suburban bliss has never died, only grown more desperate, more materialistic, and less romantic as it has shoved its way further east, until now there is literally nowhere left to go. The Hamptons I knew and loved are gone forever . . . These are stories about people who will never feel they have enough, whether they have everything they ever dreamed of, or nothing at all." KAYLIE JONES moved to Sagaponack in 1975, where her family continued to live for more than thirty years. She is the author of five novels, including A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries, and the memoir Lies My Mother Never Told Me. She teaches in the MFA program at Stony Brook Southampton, and in the Wilkes University low-residency MFA program in professional writing.
Mystery, Fiction and Literature
Offered by
Akashic Books (Publisher)
(User: johannaingalls)
March 2012
Starts: 2012-03-05
Ended: 2012-03-26
On Sale
Canada, USA
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31 reviewed, 7 marked received, 3 marked not received
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