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Sep 19, 2013
Real Name
AINA Library
About My Library
We are trying to set up a Primary School Library that will be housed in the school of this educational community. It is going to be an English and Kiswahili Library.
In the long term, we will try to open the Library also to the local villagers and community.
We are trying to collect suitable books for this context: We are at the moment mainly looking for picture books, story books about Africa and African children but we have a collection of chapter books, a reference section and other picture books.
We'd be glad for advice and help and ideas.....
You can follow our progress here:
About Me
AINA ( is an Italian charity which set up, in 2010, a "family-village" for HIV positive orphans in 'Nchiru, a small village 250 km north of Nairobi. The AINA village is a home to the children and has recently added a health clinic and a school, also open to the local community.
Rome (Italy) and Meru (Kenya)

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