About My Library
I read everything! My first love (to both write and read) is historical romance, but I dip my toes into the paranormal and contemporary romances, too. Two of my favorite non-romance authors are Neil Gaiman and Kate Atkinson, and I'm a sucker for the classics. Jane Austen? Yes, please!
About Me
Anna Bradley has been an avid reader, writer and book fondler since childhood, when she pilfered her first romance novel and stole away to her bedroom to devour it. This insatiable love of the written word persisted throughout her childhood in Maine, where it led to a master’s degree in English Literature.

Before she became a writer, Anna worked with a rare books library featuring works by British women writers from the 1600s through the Regency period. Here she indulged in her love of stories, fondled smooth, leather-bound volumes to her heart’s content and dreamed of becoming a writer.

Anna writes steamy historical romance (think garters, fops and riding crops). My debut novel, "A Wicked Way to Win an Earl," was released by Berkley on Nov. 3.

She lives with her husband and two children in Portland, OR, where people are delightfully weird and love to read.
Portland, OR
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