
Sep 14, 2011
Real Name
Terri D Washington
About Me
When I meet people one of the first things they ask is where are you from? Or did you grow up in Harrisburg which is where I currently live. I have a very hard time answering the first question. I was born in Detroit Michigan but don't remember it since I literally only stayed there about a week or so after I was born. I spent most of my life in the Washington, DC, and Suburban Maryland area until the age of fourteen when I left home and went to Virginia to attend a boarding school from the ninth to the twelfth grade. Every year I was in boarding school I came home in the summer to a different city; first Washington, DC then Charlotte, North Carolina and finally to Harrisburg, PA. When I tell people that they often ask if my parents were in the military? I laugh and say no my mother was just finding herself. So where am I from? I have now officially lived in Harrisburg PA longer than anywhere else so this is home.
I am a single mother of three. I once read that children bring our subconscious issues into life. They show us the parts of us that we need to heal. My children have always been my inspiration to push myself to get to the next level. I see little pieces of me in each of them but they have all grown up to have their own distinct personalities. I have worked in the Healthcare industry for over 20 years. I am presently employed for a local Healthcare company and work in the Information Systems department. Although I work in IT I am not a "techie" as most people consider anyone who works in this field. I consider myself to be very analytical which makes people I have know for a long time wonder where all of this creativeness came from all of a sudden. To this I say it has always been there just hidden beneath the surface.
I have kept journals as far back as I can remember. I always liked to write and express myself in writing. I have often been told I express myself in writing better than I do verbally. I dabbled in poetry from time to time, but have always gravitated more towards music. I am a singer and have also used that as an outlet for my creative energy. I come from a very musical family. All of our activities usually involve music in some form or fashion. I still sing in church, as often as possible, however, my writing intensified ten years ago while going through my divorce. It was a way for me to express myself without exposing what was really going on inside of me. At one point I allowed a close friend to read some of what I wrote and they commented that I had a very unique way of writing and expressing myself and they encouraged me to continue to write.
I have continued to journal and started to write my first book a few years ago but was not able to complete it. In 2010 due to some events in my life a story came to me and I sat down and started to write. The words flowed freely and the next thing I knew I had over fifty pages typed. My debut book Yesterday's Lies is the finished product of that brainstorm one summer night. The characters although fictional, could be argued by those who know me well, are pieces of me in each one of them. Maybe not who I am in real life, but who I would like to be in my fantasy world.

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