
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Mar 24, 2006
Real Name
Bernie Lee
About My Library
My first great interest in reading came after I read Margaret Wies and Tracy Hickman's "Dragons of Autumn Twilight" and since then I've fallen in love with the Forgotten Realms series of novels from Wizards Inc. I've collected as many as I can and with few exceptions and many of the recent additions, I've got every book that has been published in that series. I love clever literature and things that have a wit and and charm about them that brings a smile to your face. Not necessarily because it's funny but because of the literary ingenuity or the powerfully vivid imagery. Controversial and groundbreaking novels are also a favorite because it's a way to see, in a macro sense, the incredible development of literature of the centuries. I hope you enjoy what you see and give some of them a try.
About Me
I'm an avid reader and my passion for literature really knows no bounds but I'm kind of conservative about getting into new genres. I love wine, beer, liquor, cooking, music, european culture, traveling, languages...artistic expression and aesthetic communication really just all appeal to me. I like to think of myself as a new type of Renaissance man and maybe I'll start a cultural revolution.
Blacksburg, VA