Real Name
Carol Fox
About My Library
It is growning all the time. I love Sci Fi, Fantasy, Paranormal, Crime (fiction)and Horror. I am partial to Vampires. Love Brian Lumley, Laurall K Hamilton, Anne Rice, Sherrilyn Kenyon and of course the great Bram Stoker. Some of my other favorites are Stephen King, Robert Ludlum. Patricia Cornwell, James Patterson and Stuart Woods, Tad Williams and Dean Koonts
About Me
I am a corrections officer and have recently taken a third shift at my facillity. My job on this shift has a lot of down time. At a post there are half hour rounds and little else to occupy my time. My goal is to read 100 books this year and I am well on my way.
I have a beautiful 26 year old daughter who has an enourmous Libary Thing account and shares alot of books with me.

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