
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Nov 24, 2009
Real Name
Caroline Leavitt
About My Library
I am a voracious reader! I love first novels, love books about science and bios. Part of the job of my job as a book critic is I get to read books I might not have known about or picked up on my own. Our house is crowded with books, but I have a special shelf in my writing office filled with my most beloved titles.
About Me
I'm the author of 9 novels, numerous essays and stories and a few scripts. My last novel, Girls in Trouble was a Booksense selection and went into three printings. My newest novel, Pictures of You, is coming out from Algonquin in November 2, 2010 and is about a mysterious car accident and how the lives of three of the survivors collide. Parts of it already won a Goldenberg Fiction Prize. I'm a book critic at People Magazine, a book columnist at The Boston Globe and a freelance manuscript consultant/editor. I live in a 160 year old brick row house in NYC's unofficial 6th borough, Hoboken, NJ, with my husband, the writer Jeff Tamarkin and our son Max.

I'm the author of Meeting Rozzy Halfway, Lifelines, Jealousies, Family, Into Thin Air, Living Other Lives, Coming Back to Me, Girls in Trouble, and Pictures of You.
Hoboken, NJ, NYC ara
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