
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Jan 18, 2007
Real Name
St.John Flynn
About Me
St. John [SIN-jun] came to GPB Radio in the fall of 1995 from WUGA, the GPB Radio affiliate in Athens, Georgia, where he got his start in radio as a classical music announcer in 1993. Born and raised in England, St. John graduated with a degree in French from the University of Liverpool. He then moved to France where he taught English for two years before coming to the U.S. in 1986, where he worked on his M.A. at the University of Georgia, and went on to complete most of his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature.

His literary background has stood him in good stead for his job as host of Cover to Cover, GPB's monthly radio book club, which focuses on contemporary writers from Georgia and the South.

He also produces features for Georgia Gazette, and gets up every weekday at 3:30 AM to host Morning Edition for the GPB Radio network. St. John's work has been recognized by the Georgia Associated Press, the Society of Professional Journalists, and the Atlanta Association of Black Journalists. He also serves on the advisory board of the Georgia Center For The Book.
Atlanta, Georgia